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"Mama Has a Mustache": BigPharma is Grooming Young Kids

David Knight
David Knight - 275 Views
Published on 15 Nov 2022 / In News and Politics

They're now targeting VERY young children for OFF-LABEL use of chemical castration drugs and propagandizing & manipulating children with slick videos.

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Lothar 900
Lothar 900 2 years ago

you made a mistake with the pharmaceutical company Bayer. The company was stolen from in the first world war from Germany. The Americans took it over and stole the whole company leaving the German company bankrupt. After the first World War. Many companies in Germany were seized by the Allies in the first world war making them American or British companies owned by Americans were English persons. There is a court case going on that the real owners of the company Bayer have been in the German courts and the American courts to get their company back. They want reparations. The German company also only makes pharmaceutical drugs. But not weapons or chemicals. This is what the American company does. Do not confuse both. 85% of Americans take pharmaceutical medications. Prescribed by their doctor. Most of those drugs don't need to be taken. Your doctors are corrupt and should be thrown in jail for drug dealing. Pharmaceutical companies have an agenda. To make trillions of dollars off of people. To get them hooked on drugs. If you're a young parent with children beware of your doctor. And beware of your teachers. they will tell you your child needs medication. This is how they hook young people on drugs. 52% of people who took Ritalin are now on fentanyl. 25% of them have died. Due to this Dangerous Drug. America will throw you in jail for 25 years. For having a joint in your mouth. But won't throw you in jail for having a prescription from your doctor. See America can't wake up. You're on drugs and you don't even know it. American doctors are nothing but drug dealers. They prescribed things that are not necessary. Just to fill their pockets with money. They don't give you a proper physical. And they play with the lab results. To make you ill when you're not. the pharmaceutical companies have paid off the news media. The education system. Every TV station. Every radio station. And most of everyone online. The pharmaceutical companies have trillions of dollars to pay politicians. They can also make a false claim about covid-19. That never existed in the first place. They love to poison people to make them sick. That makes them rich. Just look at Africa as healthier than ever. Look at yourself you're sick and tired on what is happening around the world.

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