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"Language of the Damned" Pt 2 by Nutnfancy

Nutnfancy - 36,596 Views
Published on 07 Jun 2022 / In Cars and Vehicles

2000 Mules

Are they really "stunning and brave" as the media portrays confederates of the Left? No. Quite the opposite. It's not brave to to engage in anything that is widely celebrated and rewarded by a society.
It is a manipulation of the language and it happens daily now. Terms and words are being used in our cultural civil war that effectively convince normies to support Leftism. Other terms, usually racial in nature, are designed to shut up any opposition to the Great Reset you see happening right now. The idea is to cloud, obfuscate, and confuse any opposition so the enemy can advance in their totalitarian objectives. And it's been amazingly effective.
In this two part Nutnfancy series I will push back on such misleading, deceptive language...all coming from the Progressive side. You see this is a battle between Good and Evil and I'll help you understand that and the age old tactics of deception used by the father of all lies. God seeks you to be free, unencumbered, happy, and independent. Satan does not. He is all about coercion. The amount of true disinformation thrown out by the CPF is staggering. Anyone who does not seek out alternative information sources (like you being here!) can easily be mislead by this Language of the Damned. I'll remind of the battle between good/evil forces in this series and I'll recommend a way for discerning truth will be provided here.
Another hard hitting Nutnfancy Life Philosophy video designed to help all people especially my TNP friends!

REMEMBER: You can close their phones while watching a UGETube video and then tap the screen and play controls appear so that people can lock their phone and play videos like podcasts. (from Sam Robinson)

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27 Comments sort Sort by

08Hunter 2 years ago

"Decarbonize" (Except they're NOT referring to you using less gas/oil folks..)
It's called Depopulation, you know like what the Bible says that 2/3 of the people will die during the Tribulation comes AFTER the church is raptured and out of the way from God's judgment (That's what Tribulation is). Considering We the People are mostly made of "CARBON", the term "decarbonize" makes a lot of sense. Take Jesus Christ's gift while you still can

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apt-42 2 years ago

Cheers for sharing - having to run via ProtonVPN here in the UK to get your videos to play. Not a problem, just limits to 240p using the standard VPN service.

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Stackie227 2 years ago

Watching this again, and it is sad to see all the acts of violence that are being done to people just because of the color of their skin. It's sad to see young kids treat each other so poorly. Who do the kids learn this behavior from? Kids that are way to young to understand the news and what adults are talking about. They are learning this behavior from the adults that are close to them. What do you think these adults who are teaching their kids behavior do if the role was reversed and their kids are being attacked just because they are not the "right" color?

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JustLaugh 2 years ago

It is so sad to see this country go the way it is going. The people need to get there heads out of their back side and wake up. If people do not start standing up to get our country back we are in for a world of hurt, just look at history and what happened to countries that gave into what their government stated was "good for them" millions killed!

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FlyFloatFire 2 years ago

Checking in from a fresh trip to the lumber mill to grab my fresh cut HK 2x4 in MR762 grade A1. You may need to start a comfy channel, Nutn.

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FlyFloatFire 2 years ago

*comedy channel

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