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"It's happening again and I got it on film..." PREPARE NOW! = ULTIMATE PROOF

eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs - 1,013 Views
Published on 08 Nov 2023 / In News and Politics

Dr. Steven Greer: "It's happening again and I got it on film..." PREPARE NOW!
Dr. Steven Greer shares his views on challenging authority, questioning conventional wisdom, and exposing the truth behind organized religion, political parties, institutions, and social movements. He highlights the alarming reality of important technologies and information being held covertly by an unelected and unappointed group, outside the oversight of the president and Congress, posing a grave threat to democracy and freedom.
Dr. Greer discusses the freedom of the press and why crucial information about advanced technologies and extraterrestrial encounters is not being covered by mainstream media due to corporate and financial interests. He emphasizes the urgency of addressing these issues and the need for courageous individuals both inside and outside the government to take action.

Special thanks to Dr. Steven Greer

Discussed in this video:
Dr. Steven Greer on UFOs
Dr. Steven Greer on "Men in Black" Appearing at Roswell Incident, Held Alien for 4 Years
Dr. Steven Greer on the U.S. Government Acknowledging UFOs After Decades of Denial

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JamesRoss 9 months ago

"That's why I am still alive" Greer says.

Greer is alive because he does not expose the covert brain interfaces which has created the brainchip-hivemind of secret societies pretending that they are now "human2.0".
Greer does not expose the plan to convert all government workers into these brainchipped hivemind minions who will become the upper class communists while the non-Cult-sworn people become the useless feeders that used to support their fake governments with their taxes.
Greer is beginning to hint that techno-feudalism is beginning to take over the USA... that started when JFK was assassinated after his speech exposing the need to route out the secret societies... now they are taking over every government job while the fake covid virus was the means to extract non-Cult people from their government jobs.

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JamesRoss 9 months ago

There he said cell phones are nothing, but he does not tell you that the brainchip-hivemind that links all the secret societies into a hivemind army of one uses those cell towers... secretly. Greer is one of them and is just another Alex Jones Judas goat.

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JamesRoss 9 months ago

Greer talks about ETaliens, but he does not expose the ancient, Homo capensis, failed-mankind who live for thousands of years due to genetic manipulations by ancient A.i. Greer is not telling any real secrets.

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JamesRoss 9 months ago

@JamesRoss : The brain interface never has to be plugged in... this is the technology that has be in use by the Cult to run brainchips by microwave induction. Tesla building his tesla-tower wireless free energy was always the plan to run all the wireless brainchipped populations of homo sapiens. Greer does not explain the nepharious purposes behind the technology that he simply brushes over.

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 9 months ago

@JamesRoss : hey James, i thank you for reaction, at least it shows you watched and also thought about it or before and got an opponion compared to sooo many sheeeple shamefully enough m8!.. But to go into these details you bring forward i think the best you can do and probably would enjoy too! is to simply go to one of his speeches, conferences or contact him in person, he answered, well i mean someone of his team as he is with about 800 other very pro people who are now retired, from astronauts to CIA memebers and all the 3 letter gangs and so on, you get me right? ;) Well i asked ones to keep it short of a certain person who spend his time with the granmother of the man who so called put his first foot on the moon! Yes sir him indeed, and David who was with his grandmother as familie friend also had his granfather who made the protection foil for the capsule they landed with an a huge knowledge he gathered around it all, some of his clips are online where he boastss that for a few million couldlaunch the biggest rockets and create hospitals in space as people wouldnt be under gravity and heal 3 x faster etc! Alister then goes on how he just needed a sponsor for his space miracles he had in mind and surely Mr Allistair got them quiete easy from sone arabs or the likes where 10 million he wanted is peanuts for, but the fact is when i asked vai the mailing list from Dr Greere i am on i got a swift reply he was not part of his team!..Not aying you are going to be able to hold a lonf threaded email conversation with him but a single straight shot answwer i managed to get is all i can say. So therefore I would suggest strongly to go to the next place where you can be in the public and ask him about the facts you mention! I would if i was that sure or interested. Also if you got or are willing to spend some money on it join him with one of his regular crews he takes out to meditate in theareas of interest and teaches people to call upon the being we need to get to on lets call it 'cleverness level'!..But yes i wouldnt be able to afford it coming all the way from Belgium, also mainly living in the Uk myself, still it stays out my reach and out of the 35 yrs + online and the 20 of it i followed Mr Greere I feel he speaks tonnes of trutch with his 800 team who now can speak honestly, some on their deathbed etc ;/ So yeah thats what i would do if it really is an issue for you, just a kind a gentle suggestion the best I can imo. Much Love and respect with all my kindest greetings, Patrick the one going b0nkers by it all ;)

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 9 months ago

@JamesRoss : PS tesla and his brain chip and so on is all DEAD now..and many clips about his BS from the past almost 10 years of promises definatively make sense to watch, on YT watch them under the name of Thunderf00t, as well as many others who are finally waking up to all his plagiataristic BS!

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 9 months ago

@JamesRoss : last PS he defo no joke like unctrollable Alex Jones freaking out all the time, even if he would be in the category they would have shut him up longtime ago, but as he is attacking the BS they cant take him down..whoch means something for me..compared to others like the lady specialising in the Soutpole and whats being found there and the other crazy nutjob who gets picked up in a trasnaparent tictac in his backyard and already work for the secret space army for 10 years with all kinda myths which cant be proved nor disproved apart from him asking for more financial help...keep the world or surely me if you find out interesting stuff or get to meet the'above us' XXX forms'! The truth must be out there ..somewhere ta least I hope!

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