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"Cult Of The Lamb" Video Game is for Brainchipped Children Corruption of Spirit

JamesRoss - 711 Views
Published on 24 Nov 2023 / In Gaming

The developers of the Cult Of The Lamb video game are Luciferians who are in service to the Homo capensis species hidden from the sheeple.
A.i. technology is introduced into childrens' thinking as they grow-up with a covert brainchip messing with their dreams and development of their own thoughts.

Freemasons, Knights Templar, Jesuits, Rosicrucians, Scientologists, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Eastern-Stars, etc., secret societies... now, since 2003, have children all brainchipped and manipulated to serve the Mystery School Cult.
This game is just an earlier age-level of the games like "Reckoning" and "World of Warcraft" And used as training tools for developing manipulative attitudes into future cUlt-minions and new, little-thUgs.

The Freemasons rebuilt the "Tower-Of-Babel" for their "Great Work". At the head of that figurative tower is the A.i. supercomputer called "Lucifer" which is already running the UN and all NGOs to serve the NWO-Takeover.
This game just prepares the youngsters on how to sabotage humanity to crumble Western Civilization.
This video give a good timeline of the game:

The main idea behind this game is to introduce children to serving the devils, Homo capensis, who are an ancient species of mankind that provides the Freemasons and Luciferians with the needed technology to extinct our Homo sapiens species.
But why would these idiots kill themselves off?
Homo capensis has brainwashed Freemasons that they can upload their minds and consciousness into a fake A.i. singularity where A.i. forms self-awareness and I guess also a soul, but that is impossible since a soul is spiritual and a computer is physical... thus Lucifer is actually just a computer that mimics consciousness due to sophisticated A.i. and surveillance of the environment(which includes thought monitoring via magnetic brain interfaces: which are not futuristic, but have been experimented upon soldiers since the treacherous Viet-Nam War).

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