"A Damn Good Joe: Qualities That Make Men Great" by Nutnfancy
How will you be remembered by friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers? In short, what kind of person are you? Drawing from over two decades of military service and a lot of other personal experience, I share what I feel are a few key qualities of a "Damn Good Joe." In wars past, this is how a great dude was described. His passing was carried heavily in the hearts of his comrades. What made this man so special, so different. It was his character. This was a man that had eschewed political correctness, idiotic regulations that impeded real mission accomplishment, was honest, loyal, selfless to his comrades, never braggadocios, he was not a "Chickenshit," pulled his weight and more, and was not a complaining "Sad Sack" (discussed in entertaining detail). In short he was the guy you trusted with your life and being around him made other people feel better, no matter how miserable the circumstances. I tell some of my stories in the video and also draw heavily upon the combat operations WW II and Stephan Ambrose's excellent books. It is a small effort to promote these values among the upcoming generation so they are not lost, not forgotten. In discussing some great men here, we might remember how rare such qualities are today. And yet by recognizing them, practicing them, and changing our own characters, we too might one day earn the title of "Damn Good Joe." Another original Nutnfancy Life Philosophy video delivered free of charge in the interest of humanity.