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Queen Ma'at Girl VS. Urban America: Hidden History Museums Main Artifact Hustled Black Wealth!!

Queen Ma'atGirl
Queen Ma'atGirl - 256 Views
Published on 27 Sep 2022 / In

Its debate time again black America. Topic: Tariq's hidden history museums main artifact, hustled black wealth! People like Tariq Nasheed, and Umar Johnson to name a few, grift millions of dollars from black Americans perpetuating the reason there is a black poverty, and wealth gab problem. Instead of invest directly in black Americas children, and direct relatable causes such as education, food for the homeless, clothing for the needy, and a shelter for the less fortunate, Tariq and others like him will hustle black Americans money for non tangible scams that will make them rich and leave you poor. Disagree? Then I'm calling you out to a debate! Are you up for the challenge?

#QueenMaatGirlTv @Tariq Radio #hiddenhistorymuseum

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