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Renaud Be
Renaud Be - 1,860 Views
Published on 19 Jan 2022 / In News and Politics

Sellout communist wannabe Julie Snyder asks, are you in favor of forced vaccination, to which all children were instructed to say yes, call the police on unvaccinated and harass the population into compliance. Beware, as these satanists, are really after the kids; And Julie Snyder as been associated with TVA television, owned by fascist globalist Quebecor, a fake news media, not on its first time, pushing pandemic hoaxes, panic hysteria, and toxic vaccine. In fact Quebecor takes much of their money from the pharmaceutical criminal cabal, to promote their toxic injections and fearmongering. Julie Snyder is totally evil to abuse children this way; She would probably kill with poison injections every french-Canadians, if there was money in it for her. They've been pushing this talentless vulgar drug addict for decades on Québec television, as even France rejected her idiocies.

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Renaud Be
Renaud Be 3 years ago  


Sellout communist wannabe Julie Snyder asks, are you in favor of forced vaccination, to which all children were instructed to say yes, call the police on unvaccinated and harass the population into compliance. Beware, as these satanists, are really after the kids; And Julie Snyder as been associated with TVA television, owned by fascist globalist Quebecor, a fake news media, not on its first time, pushing pandemic hoaxes, panic hysteria, and toxic vaccine. In fact Quebecor takes much of their money from the pharmaceutical criminal cabal, to promote their toxic injections and fearmongering. Julie Snyder is totally evil to abuse children this way; She would probably kill with poison injections every french-Canadians, if there was money in it for her. They've been pushing this talentless vulgar drug addict for decades on Québec television, as even France rejected her idiocies.

L'aspirante communiste vendue Julie Snyder demande, êtes-vous en faveur de la vaccination forcée, à laquelle tous les enfants ont reçu pour instruction de dire oui, d'appeler la police non vaccinée et de harceler la population pour qu'elle se conforme. Méfiez-vous, car ces satanistes sont vraiment après les enfants; Et Julie Snyder a été associée à la télévision TVA, propriété du mondialiste fasciste Quebecor, un faux média d'information, qui n'en est pas à leur première fois, à pousser des canulars de pandémiques, la panique d'hystérie et vaccins toxiques. En fait, Quebecor recoit une grande partie de son argent de la cabale criminelle pharmaceutique, pour promouvoir ses injections toxiques et ses campagnes de peur. Julie Snyder est totalement diabolique d'abuser des enfants de cette façon; Elle tuerait probablement avec des injections de poison tous les Canadiens français, s'il y avait de l'argent pour elle. Ils poussent depuis des décennies cette vulgaire toxicomane sans talent à la télévision québécoise, alors que même la France a rejeté ses idioties.

#JulieSnyder #CovidVaccine #QuebecCovid #ChildAbuse #TVA #Quebecor

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Renaud Be
Renaud Be 3 years ago

?Update: It is reported that the young girl, her name is Sandrine Guénin, and she is an actress, possibly of the Québécor entertainment world; I remember seeing her face before. The Snyder Witch apologized after many complaints, where she said she committed an error in judgment, but it was not an error, it was very much calculated misleading propaganda toxic injection peddling, as they all surely got paid in the end by the pharmaceutic criminal cabal, as accessory to crimes against humanity. The Julie Snyder witch is definitively part of the evil cabal, even seen photographed with Michelle (Michael) Obama.

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Renaud Be
Renaud Be 3 years ago

You can see in the children faces, that they are not very proud of what they are being told to do, by the grand-witch in chief Julie Snyder; You can see the shame it their young eyes. Julie Snyder is a coward to let only the sellout to Big Pharma vaccine peddlers, and not having the courage to let the other side speak as well, all the VACCINE-FREE PATRIOTS ?
Vous pouvez voir dans les visages des enfants, qu'ils ne sont pas très fiers de ce qu'on leur dit de faire, par la grande-sorcière en chef Julie Snyder; Vous pouvez voir la honte dans leurs jeunes yeux. Julie Snyder est une lâche de ne laisser que les vendus aux marchands de vaccins des compagnies pharmaceutiques, et de ne pas avoir le courage de laisser parler l'autre côté également, tous les PATRIOTS LIBRE DE VACCINS

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Renaud Be
Renaud Be 3 years ago

Julie Snyder was married to Pierre Karl Péladeau, the billionaire owner of fake news media empire Quebecor; And they tried to fake getting back together for appearances, while Peladeau was trying to be candidate for the job Quebec Premier, but for some reason he was rejected, as they must have found something pretty bad on him, possibly EPSTEIN level. Julie Snyder has always been nothing else but a talentless gold digger, doing anything for money.

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Renaud Be
Renaud Be 3 years ago

On her Facebook, Julie Snyder apologized for using children, really to promote the Covid vaccine, and her financial shares with Pfizer, in such a tasteless manner, and making unvaccinated look like Criminals. That total hypocrite, if she really wants to apologize to people like me, who have constitutional rights, as well as human rights, and the Nuremberg Code on my side, If she truly wants to apologize, she can spend a whole show, explaining risks of injury and death of the Covid vaccines, with real specialists not afraid of the Communist wannabe Quebec and Canadian governments. Bring it on, if you dare to hear the truth for once.

Sur son Facebook, Julie Snyder s'est excusée d'avoir utilisé des enfants, vraiment pour promouvoir le vaccin Covid, et ses parts financières avec Pfizer, d'une manière si insipide, et de faire passer les non vaccinés pour des criminels. Cette hypocrite totale, si elle veut vraiment s'excuser auprès de gens comme moi, qui ont des droits constitutionnels, ainsi que des droits de l'homme, et le code de Nuremberg de mon côté, Si elle veut vraiment s'excuser, elle peut passer tout un show à expliquer les risques de blessures et de décès des vaccins Covid, avec de vrais spécialistes qui n'ont pas peur des gouvernements communistes en herbe du Québec et du Canada. Apportez-le, si vous osez entendre la vérité pour une fois.

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Renaud Be
Renaud Be 3 years ago

She's a huge defender and promoter of Céline Kid Transgender clothing Dion, and was been at it for DECADES... Adrenochrome anyone

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