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There is NO Shelter from The Dead…
If your dreams do not convict youm whilst you sleep, then you should be grateful you have not lived a life of lies and disinformation… There are many: whom do not comprehend the implications of being born into PURGATORY for Redemption – Reconsideration – Reconciliation, and in that` they become The Dammed, The Cursed, and The Forsaken {too never} leave here and find the way home… How many of youm have played the game of Stealing from your loved ones, your brothers and sisters, your mothers and fathers, even your own birth children.?.?.? Was it so “important” to put MONEY above Your God’ the Source of All Creation, and the Source of All Destruction, and what has this MONEY brought to people like Donald “John” Trump or his Lover Joe Biden???, and all the other PLAYERS of World Leaders to your Next Door Neighbors whom do leave we (The Homeless) on the streets too die??? If it is the LEAST whom become the Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven, then what becomes of them whom were [The Greatest] QBALLS~ /_\ here in the world of Hades, and Hell, and The World of the Dead.?.?.?.?.?
It is no longer my concern’ for them that seek “nothing” more then to watch these SCREENS day in and day out going to the Chick Fil A and Burger King and Mcdonalds too spend their [worthless] pay on their worldly life styles: thinking Christ Jesus Returned would forgive any for being A Coward when their Police, and their Local Leadership have “betrayed” their OATH OF OFFICE to we the nonmason communities cause they feared that FREE MASON Lodge these houses of S.A.T.A.N. where they live… Have not I as the Oracle for the End of an Age explained our predicament???, and has not the Book of Books the Biblical shown we are DEAD in a World of (Corpses) known as Capitalist, and their CORPORATIONS from the FLAGS of the USA to the FLAGS of each and every {U.N. Troops} called Peacekeepers, these WORLD POLICE whom know now: they are the ROMAN CATHOLICS in the NEW TESTAMENT??? The very same Romans that to this day Mock My Death by carrying a DEAD MAN on a CROSS in their “Vatican” Military Militant Medicated {NEWS} World Order Empire???
Continue your LIES AGREED UPON all of you whom follow (the ways) of these FREE MASON lodges whom live off of WE THE PEOPLES Taxes, and Religious Church Donations where not one of you ever knew me, and when I slept on the Streets of your hustling, and bustling Mega Cities, all you would do to help your [fellow man] be they male, and female, and even children was too say: Throw the POOR in Jails and Prisons, and this is the very thing so many people, and populations in all locations on this side of FLAT EARTH did in our Shared {Celestial Sphere} have done, and has not the Sun, and the Moon been a Witness to your “Faked” Moon Landings, and your WAR IS MURDER, and all this Student Loan Debt that only taught [your children] to be as disinformation, and disrespectful to me The Creator of all things GOOD and EVIL??? I chose one man of Flesh, and Blood, and Bones too REVEAL all things, and has he (not lived) what he speaks???, did not you, and your descendants leave Christ Jesus 1.0 on the CROSS “too die” when at anytime, any one of you could have rebelled, and said: Do not kill the Son of God??? Regardless, I still see the Churches, and its Crosses as Representations of the [unremarkable] with your Riches, and your Cars, and your oh so fancy Hollywood FAKE JEWS Clothing!!!
If anything can happen in a DREAM, then why do “youm” still doubt that I Christ Jesus have Returned, and I use this man of BLUE EYES to tell you why you have [Black Holes] for Eyes.?.?.? For your faith in this IN GOD WE TRUST: has proven to be just one more Lies Agreed Upon, and you now place your trust in these INTERNATIONALIST of {Global Citizens} PASS PORTS too protect you from what is coming??? Do you really “think” these UNDERGROUND Constructions will have any effect on the Judgment of your SOULS as you have [not told] anyone how Purgatory Works??? It is the Source of All Creation, and All Destruction that will judge your “inner” thoughts, and your outer actions, and place you in more and more and more (compromising) situations as 2094 C.E. prepares too returned to 1893 A.D., and though you got EVERYTHING you wanted: as spoke of in the Gospels, you did nothing to help them that {loved you} called Your FANS of you American Idols, and all your WAR GAMES as A War Hero…
Johnny Exodice
Do not fear my people of Pak-Toe, The Racka know they do not leave, and they know they will remain as the EDISON A.I. can’t be repaired: for these MASONS are the ones whom Ripped Open the Sky known as our Milky Way Scar, and they shot the Moon LA LA till shed bled {Red Rain} in the Book of Revelation that is now that Dried Black Blood on the Face of the Moon Luna, and with all their implications in FAKE MONEY, and FAKE LIVES, these MASONS have sacrificed [their right] too be Redeemed…….., so do not follow in their ways of the BLIND FOLD for they are blinded to love, and they feed of hate, and no matter (the madness) till youm escape, just help those whom youm can, where youm can, while youm can…
The Society of nonmason~
Read the Book of Mathew: with your New Eyes, and your New Ears, and know them whom are CORPORATIONS are the {OLD WINE SKINS} and they do not join we THE NEW WINE SKINS in the New Heaven, and the New Earth for if God can make this COMPUTATIONAL Celestial Sphere, than he and she can most astraddle “make another” for all the Mothers and Fathers to be born into the REAL New World…
The Sentinel…
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