Putting a Laser Gun to the Head - Your Pineal Gland
Don't Get On The Bus!
Putting a Laser Gun to the Head - Your Pineal Gland
A doctor went to a shopping mall and people were lining up to get their temperature taken by an employee who obviously was not a medic and was not properly educated on how to correctly perform this procedure. Many were shocked when it was my turn and I took the gun that was being directed at my forehead and re-directed it to my wrist. I spoke softly but firmly and told that employee that an infrared thermometer must never be pointed at someone’s forehead, especially babies and young children. In addition it requires basic knowledge of how to properly read someone’s temperature, i.e. placing a thermometer on the wrist or elbow fold is much more accurate and much less harmful.
As a medical professional, I refuse to directly target the pineal gland which is located directly in the center of the forehead, with an infrared ray. However, most people agree to go through this several times a day! Our pineal glands must be protected as it is crucial for our health now and in the future.
Forehead Thermometers – Are They Safe?
A standard infrared thermometer absorbs infrared but doesn’t emit it, so from that perspective they are safe. The problem with safety comes from laser thermometers, which emit a beam of light to highlight the area of the object being assessed to ensure accuracy. This beam is categorized as a Class II laser which emit visible light below one milliwatt and can be sold as ‘pointers’ used to direct attention to information on smart boards or white boards in lectures. Although they are generally classed as being safe, they can damage the retina if you stare into the beam.
Lasers produce an intense beam of light which can cause laser radiation in the form of thermal tissue damage. The dangers increase the closer you are to the laser the more serious the injury potential.

Teacher…, what is your biggest complaint about the so called TRUTH Community.?.?.? Well…. I do wonder if I am the only NONMASON on this U-Tube Media Extravaganza??? For I do put out many thoughts: that might be hard for the Many too accept, but when it comes to CHEM TRAILS being Toxic Waste from CORPORATIONS and all their “Capitalist” Stocks and Bonds, and no one mentions this but me??? Either no one on these TV SCREENS are truly [appreciative] of what PURGATORY will do to you’m whom will not WORK AS ONE in Human Unity, and say: What happened to all that CORPORATE SLUDGE and Deadly Chemicals made from the Plastics in the 1970s when Disco Died, and STARS WARS “Plastics” took over the whole wide world aka W.W.W. in that Hollywood Movie of GREED in the 1980’s where the GULF WAR Veterans are just as Forgotten as the Korean and Vietnam VETS of the U.S. Military???? You see, I can forgive Ignorance of THE LAW cause I am to become the New Source of All Creation in our Holograpix {Virtual Reality} Home World this Celestial Sphere called PLANET EARTH, and it is in the Interest of all the [evil ones] too keep me alive as long as they can cause that Statement: Little Girl Saves The World will be me in my LAST {Future Birth} +=+ before that Flesh, and Blood, and Bones Body Temple AVATAR lives and dies in the years of whenever I do die, and the end of this GAME in 2094 C.E. However, when I tell you as the ORACLE connected to the Source of All Creation, and All Destruction that we do not have to PLAY OUT this game anymore.?.?.?.?.?, not one of you on U-Tube too any Social Media says: The skies are poisoned with the TOXIC WASTE of our Throw – A – Way Hollywood to Bollywood MADE IN CHINA lifestyles!?!?!?!? It will not matter if you are Rich or Poor / Dark Skin too Light Skin / Brown Eyed or Blue Eyed, you will all die of Health Issues from the (COVID19) “Chemicals” in yous Skin Lotions, Your Clothing, Your PLASTICS to Cosmetics that [your children] [{**}] hold in their hands……., and your Babies drink from these Plastic Bottles that are way more “deadly” then any LEAD PAINT of Lead Gasoline, and you do nothing to join as one in HUMAN UNITY from U-Tube Pages to U-Tube pages and say: THE EARTH IS FLAT!!! These FREE MASON lodges in {our home towns} / * \ faked The MOON Landings!!! THEY LIVE these FAKE JEWS from the Book of REVELATION’ that is everyone you see on TV be it COMMERCIALS selling Their Shit with their Nice Clothing, their Sports Teams, their Control of our SCHOOLS, and RELIGIONS, and MUSIC, and MILITARY, and GOVERNMENT aka These Jesuit Zionist are “the ones” whom got it all, and we the {nonmason populations} of their Media EMPIRE known as these U.N. FLAGS {NEWS} World Order give us the Tax Payer whom they [live off of] [{*}] our TAXES…..: They give us…..: TV Shows of them and “their children” from these Masonic Lodges while our people are “all dead” from them LAZERS FIRES that Vaporize OUR Houses, and OUR Cars, and even OUR nonmason People and children too our “human” babies are obliterated and Forgotten, and for what???????, so These PEOPLE the [TV People] can Drive to Take Out Food and put more, and more, and more “Covid19” into our Overfilled Land Dumps of Styrofoam Take Out CRAP with their Coming HOLLOW DAYS of “Christmas” and Thanksgiving, and all that NEW “Plastics” they will add more, and more, and more CORPORATE (TOXIC WASTE) into our Medications aka DO YOU NOT LISTEN to Side Affects?????…, and What of Our LOCAL Drinking Water how many Toxins are in it??? You can forget OUR DEAD “nonmasons” of this world, and this side of FLAT EARTH in our Celestial Sphere, but I will not, and on December 5th, 2020 A.D. we will make our own [Special Day] of the DEAD where we REMEMBER All of our People murdered by these FREE MASON 33rd Degree CEO’s and all their COVID19 CORPORATE WASTE put into our lives, as they live their TV Screens lifestyles…. So light a Candle On {DECEMBER 5th} each and every year till WE ARE all DEAD DEAD DEAD for all We HUMANS aka nonmason “murdered” by these NON-HUMANS them MASONS these Fake Jews from the Book of REVELATION in the holy Biblical…. The Book of EXODICE!!!
If you watch TIME TRAX on Roku “Season One” Episode 5 they do the OATH OF OFFICE on the show that shows you what it means to uphold Your {OATH OF OFFICE} my nonmason CITIZENS to your Nations U.N Flags in these 50 STATES once independent and [sovereign] CONSTITUTIONAL People without need or want: this WAR IS MURDER USofA “Foreign” ALIEN U.S. FLAG Military Empire` cause we were THE UNITED STATES “FOR” AMERICA and now under (U.S. FLAG) Military OCCUPATION of these U.N. Troops whom now “fill the Ranks” of our Local Police, and INTERNATIONALIST Military ORGANIZATIONS known as FREE MASON C.O.P.S. the World Police known as these U.N. Military Armed too Shoot and kill, and MURDER [we the people] whom are nonmason Citizens of and for our FLAGS by these U.N. PEACEKEEPERS!!!
The Society of nonmason~
The Rag Tag Rebellion “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition…
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