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Push Forward in Life: A Survivor’s Story | Hope Works

Repost4Posterity - 477 Views
Published on 25 Aug 2021 / In Spiritual

In life you either push forward or roll backward, stay stuck or move forward. Brandon has endured his fair share of challenges and understands what it’s like to feel alone, left behind, or ignored.

One Sunday Brandon had a feeling he should look toward the back of the chapel. Brandon saw a young man alone with his head down, his hard countenance indicating a rough life. So Brandon went over to him, shook his hand, and said, “I’m so grateful you’re here. I know by trusting in the Lord and trusting in His teachings, He will give you everlasting peace and happiness to overcome your trials too.”

Six years later Brandon received a message on Facebook from this young man. He told Brandon that his son was named after him because of his kindness. Brandon learned this man had been dealing with PTSD and was planning to end his life. He’d felt God’s love through Brandon’s kind words that Sunday.

Brandon recalled that same Sunday morning he’d been praying. He’d said, “Father, I promise I will never forget those who feel forgotten or neglected.” Brandon believes that our challenges provide beautiful, life-changing opportunities to connect with God and with those around us.

Brandon says life is not always beautiful, but the outcomes can be if you simply turn around and push forward.

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