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Proverbs 22:6 Train Up A Child

Kjv Scripture Tunes
Published on 05 May 2021 / In Music

We parents have been given a huge task from the Lord to train up our children in the way they should go.

None of us will ever be a perfect parent. But with God's help and by his grace, if we follow Godly, Biblical principles in the Bible, we can come closer to achieving this goal.

Here are some thoughts...

1. Be faithful to a Biblical, Fired up, Kjv Bible preaching Baptist church. Sunday a.m. Sunday p.m and Wednesday night and anytime the door is open.

2. Be a Godly example. Kids will follow what they see more than what you say.

3. Be involved in the ministries of the church and your kids will see this as a natural part of life as they grow up and continue serving the Lord with their own families.

4. Stay in God's Word (Meditating on it, and applying it in your own life.)

5. Be a soulwinner. Care about the unsaved, Talk to people about the Lord and their soul. Give out tracts.

6. Teach them how to avoid wrong friends and ungodly influences in the world, how to be strong and how to stand against the devil & temptation.

7. Pray for your kids daily for God's protection, for God's direction in their life and that they will come to know him and be saved at an early age.

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Proverbs 22:6

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