Prof. Dolores Cahill on the Richie Allen Show Talks About Lockdowns, Va-c-cines KILL SWITCH and more
Microbiologist Dolores Cahill gave a recent interview where she claims there is a "KILL SWITCH" (cytokine storm) in the vax which when when triggered will kill up to 80% of people within a year or so of taking it.
Dolores is a is Professor of Translational Science at University College Dublin. Despite having an impeccable academic record, Dolores was forced to resign from a scientific commission post, because she disagreed with the lockdown and questioned the seriousness of the virus. This is a must-listen interview. Professor Cahill explains in forensic detail why she would never take an experimental mRNA Covid-19 vaccine. She tells Richie that she believes that vaccine recipients may very well experience serious organ failure down the line, when their immune systems are exposed to seasonal coronaviruses. The professor believes that millions may well die. For more visit

They wont need to cover it up. They will call the vaccination deaths Covid 19! Perfect for keeping the tyrannical measures in place + convincing even more people to be vaccinated......ensuring the vicious circle of fear, (alleged virus) covid 19, vaccines (gene therapy) and death keeps on turning. Open your eyes to what is happening people, please!!!