Powerful Master Mind Secrets - 15 - The Light Always Wins and will Turn up your Light
Day 15- we are in the storm, the forces of light vs dark are in play, and our mission and purpose is to turn up our light! The dark cannot survive when the light arrives and raises its frequencies. This is a very powerful mastermind secret....
Joan of Angels is an oracle and a messenger for divine beings here to assist humanity.
Clear energetic blocks that keep your vitality low and zap your energies. This is Day 15 of a 30 day program to raise your vibrations and turn up your light. Clarity and Focused intentions serve to inform the universe we are ready!
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Join energy healer and renown visionary Dr Joan Hangarter, also known as Joan of Angels for the art and messages channeled by spirit.
Book an in-depth soul awakening session with joan@joanofangels.com and subscribe to our list to be informed of upcoming events.
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