Polly Tommey and Catherine Austin Fitts: Death isn't the worst thing that can happen
Family Financial Disclosure Form for COVID-19 Injections
The Autism Trust
Solari Special Report: VAXXED II: The People’s Truth with Polly Tommey
Let’s Go to the Movies: March 12, 2020 – Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth
Vaxxed’s Official Website
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zoom.us for the computer and the app store for zoom cloud to use on your smart phone. You can find me on zoom using my email addy: linkirb@gmail.com. Our sessions are teachings, preaching, and fellowshipping.
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www.whatsgoingonnews.net I post news videos on my website as well as articles from around the world.

We are not permitted to sue any Big Pharma... mmmmmm. I wonder why? Think for a moment. If Vaccines are safe, why the protection. Vaccines are poison. Anything Govt gives away. BEWARE. Peace, love and appreciation.

These vaccines are not here to cure you. It's to kill you! President trump won! Biden is a fraud. TREASON! Gitmo!