Plandemic- Part 3 [Teaser]
Plandemic: Part 3 [Teaser]

This will [sense to you] Qballs~ /_\ now that you'm know TIME Travel is real, and that WE ARE and THEY LIVE are and is in Purgatory....
The TIME Androids "dump" their Future Waste in our TIME LINE from around the (Vietnam War) [{**}] with Agent Orange to all that TOXIC WASTE Sprayed into Our skies here in 2021, and yet, these Time Traversal Androids think what they do here in the Past HAS NO Effect in 2045 let alone 2077.?.?.?
No Wonder the world dies in 2094 CE as THEY LIVE keep doing Space Force Nuclear Waste Dumps in our skies in these Past Time Lines of 1893 to 2073 that ALL are the Same fucking TIME LINE!!!!
There is no Multiverse, there is only {X-2=ZZY} meaning you Space Force TIME JUMP inside our Dying Celestial Sphere and Space and Time {Adapt and Adjust} to the Changes each time it happens, but it is all the SAME Fucking TIME LINE,
so when Trump or Biden say I got the Shot, or Get the Booster they are actually saying:
Don't take the #COVAXXED because the less of that TIME Travel Crap in our Blood Lines the less these Futurist from the FUTURE Can (Jump) /-\ back here into our TIME LINE!!!!
#JinxC` ?