Pharmakeia--And How They Have Deceived the World.mp4
You might not know where the word 'pharmakeia' comes from, but you probably know that it is being associated with the word 'pharmacy', and that it's being used to label pharmaceutical companies as evil... especially at this time, during the covid-19 pandemic. But does the word 'pharmakeia' really mean what people think it means? And is the Bible really warning us not to trust pharmaceutical companies? Watch this video before you make up your mind.

Lady of The Straws…
What would you do if you found out God was real, and you had spent your life harming others be it little children to unwarranted attacks on Animals that you would kill for pleasure, but you did not eat like all the Heads of Animals on the Walls of MONSTERS in the Penthouse and Playboy 1960’s Girly and Pin Up Magazines where you REPROBATE did many bad things, and NOW it is evident WE ARE and THEY LIVE are in the Memory of whom done what.?.?.?
It is TRUTH that many bad things have happened here for all these Lies Agreed Upon of NEVER landing on the Moon, and WAR IS MURDER by the ones we called Leader!!! However, in Purgatory you on an individual LEVEL have done things to offend our GOD, and from your SOLID BLACK EYES to the Whites of Their Eyes, you must come to terms that there are certain things you need to OWN, and say to the one or ones youm Harmed, I WAS IN THE WRONG…
We must not allow ourselves to think doing HARM to another is ever Justified even if it is necessary, and as Christ Jesus Returned I take responsibility for your Kills, but did you Kill them out right, or did you play with your Food??? You see as Christ Jesus 1.0 I did not come to do away with the 10 COMMANDMENTS, and though many changes has been made to the Book of Books, even if there was no Such thing as a Holy Bible regardless if it is The Koran to Buddhist Teachings, you can not say to our God on Judgment Day in 2094 CE you did this or that WHEN YOU DID NOT have to go to that Extreme!!!
Remember, the Androids once were like you and I, and they had A Mother and A Father as well as a Mom and a Dad, and when you reflect on your actions, and your thoughts: were THEY LIVE of WE ARE [of a Person] Qballs~ /_\ worthy too be Judged by Our God, or just a selfish little brat whom only looked out for him self and her self and Damn all the Rest of us NO MATTER WHAT!!!!???
Please take my words into "consideration" as The Oracle for the End of An Age that you have a right to STOP them if you can, but if you can not, your only other reason for (Violence) is too Keep your Community, and People, and Friends and Families alive "of and for" those whom you know They Live` too Love you, and you would never want to do something' that would make the ones whom love you: HATE YOU because Our God will know even if they do not…
Our God Watches all, and them that do these Destructive TIME JUMPS to our Reality in {Space Force} /-\ will not escape Perdition as Purgatory is just THE MEMORY of whom done what as The Wheat and The Tares, but look to your own mind, and your own thoughts, and can you say: I may not be Spotless in my De-Ja-Vu.?.?.? I have done things [inappropriate] +=+ that I would "never" want done to me that I did so too kill, and murder those People with Bombs, and Guns, and even “Machetes” and I did it for FUN!!!!
Listen too me well my Romantic Warriors we DO NOT Rape or Torture, not even for Information, that is the way of The Racka in MATHEW 5, and Our God will know whom done what, so make sure you keep your self clean of them whom would say: We can Rape Him or Her or this Child, and NO ONE ever need know.?.?.?
This is the reason our REAL Home World Crystal Ball is that Dead Celestial Sphere called The Moon in our Night and Day Sky, and I know for most of you, you could never do such things, but if your so called Friends, or even enemy says: We can have SEX with them WITHOUT their Permission be it Pleasure or Pain or Both, you just Walk Away, and our God will deal with them, but if you can see what THEY LIVE are, and you have the Ability shoot them DEAD right then and there......., and you take the Male or Female or Children, and say Run Away, I did not come here to Judge you, I only wanted to STOP you from "harming" my People in my Home World…
You know the difference between Harm and Help, you know you do not Stomp a Flower, Hunt an Animal you do not NEED too eat, and any whom do such things that (you'm) can not agree, report them to your community, and then "decide" what must be done from Tying a Yoke around their Neck and Dropping them into Deep Water, to banishing them for your Group – Gang – Crew for acting like the Suits, and Ties, and Skirts on these TV Screens the Capitalist whom murdered all we Industrialist…
You my People and Children are not to be Hunting Children or People no matter how bad in this life, you are only to MAKE THEM AWARE we are and they live are in Purgatory, and these Days of Noah will NOT Last forever and ever, and Reprobate have no place among we whom love Our God...
Maybe some have {no comprehension} of Compassion, but we of Pak-Toe live for 1st Corinthians 13 unlike The Racka in Mathew 5..…
Francisco 7