Pfi.. CEO drops a bombshell at DAVO..S FORUM...Holy cow he said it

David, What is the context in which he’s saying this?
I’m no fan of the WEF or socialist, communist and globalist efforts. I also wonder what the context is around this statement.
I’d hate to use this clip to try and prove that he meant what that clip shows and have the context wrong. That could make it look like we’re trying to make him out to be authoritarian and he doesn’t need any help.
I look forward to seeing your response.
Thank you

People who call other people conspiracy theorists, suffer from mental illness. They denounce without examining facts, because they operate from, and make decisions through, the feelings they get when they compare what is said to their beliefs, rather than objective reality. THEY are living in a fantasy world where imagination and feelings carry more weight than reality and reason. Even worse are the purposeful gaslighting manipulators, like frog-boy Bourla. It is not conspiracy theory, it is now proven conspiracy. He openly admitted that he and his team, dreamed it up, and then implemented it. I look forward to the day where he swings from a rope. Thank you for all that you are doing for all of us. All the best to you!

Sounds like the admission of crimes against mankind to me.