Peter Doshi U.S. Senator Ron Johnson Holds Panel in DC on COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates and Injuries.mp4
Peter Doshi U.S. Senator Ron Johnson Holds Panel in DC on COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates and Injuries
Nov 2 2021
U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson holds a panel discussion in Washington, D.C., with doctors and medical researchers who treat COVID-19 vaccine injuries, along with patients who have experienced adverse events due to the COVID-19 vaccine.
Senator Johnson Expert Panel on Federal Vaccine Mandates and Vaccine Injuries

You wanted God to Love you, but you will not Love one Another
The βCapitalistβ thinks they can trick or treat you till you are dead Dead DEAD, and you will always buy their Lies Agreed Upon that we can not feed those in need, and we must Make Weapons to break the LAWS of our Creator and Our Destroyerβ¦
Anyone can write a Book to justify Murdering their family, and though I can say God did not Create you and God did not Create Me, when my De-Ja-Vu teaches me we are in Purgatory, and you are in Purgatory, I have to wonder what you did in every TIME LOOP of the Minuet of these Oraborus Lessons of Whom Done What where I seem to always find a Way to receive the Holy Water Spirit, and I help People, and I Feed People, and no matter how Poor I might be in this CAPITALIST System of {War Is Murder} [{**}] where I am told to Murder [others] Qballs~ /_\ because Their FLAG is not My FLAGβ¦β¦..., I NOW KNOW that you the UNITED NATIONS hold all the Flags, and you place a Flag on me, and you place the Flag on the ones (you tell me) +=+ I must Kill them because you want to play WAR GAMES in the Name of Our God and their God.?.?.?
So many Ink on Paper Books of BUY MY SHIT!!!!
So many Prisons and Jails and C.O.P.S. whom do not protect!!! So much Malfeasance in the Media, and for what, so you can have 10 houses while you spray our Skies with TOXIC Waste from all your INTERNATIONALIST Corporation Capitalist Plastic Devices???
I AM glad that God made Purgatory because I know one day I will go homeβ¦β¦., and no amount of Fake Jews Hollywood USA USA USA from the Book of Revelation can βdenyβ that you people have always chosen too harm your Mother Heaven, and Your Father Earth while I trusted in (The Spirits) /-\ to care for my needs, and I have been in your Prisons, and your Jails, and I see the Results of your Capitalist WAR IS MURDER where βbabiesβ are starved too death, so the many will just watch TVβ¦
As The God of Angels and Demons, I have βreturnedβ in Many Forms, and no matter what I showed you, you always try to murder the one whom made youβ¦ Then you teach my {Other Creations} [{*}] to go have an ABORTIONβ¦β¦.., and destroy your Blood Line to βyourβ Ancestors of the PRE MUD FLOOD World and as more and more [fall away] from their Creator and their Destroyer, the EYES become Black Dots of Damnation's and Cobalt eyes saying, WE DO NOT NEED GOD!!!
Your TV Shows seek Combatants, and you Capitalist are βCombatantsβ your selves as your INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION'S are a bunch of Capitalistic Murdering fools, and faggots, and flakes has and have Killed all "The Builders" from the New Testament Gospel, and what passes as a FREE MASON Lodge Members in these Days of Noah ONE LAST TIME is just a "Charlatan" from the INCUBATOR BABIES after World War Zero, and there are no more MASON'S just βCapitalistβ whom used Bombs on JAPAN in World War Two: too murder 2 Million People in under just one Second!!!
The MASONS are deadβ¦ The Demolay are Dead, and all the other βTitlesβ of Your Excellencies and Your Majesties proves all your Human {Kings and Queens} were murdered by way of World War One and World War Two where this βLeagueβ of Nations is A League of Monsters β Vampires β Werewolves aka U.N. Troops, and as you do your (COPS26) for Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 with your U.N. Troops in our Military and Police βUniformsβ on this side of FLAT EARTH in our Shared Celestial Sphere for βCapitalismβ this is the last time WE ARE and THEY LIVE have to relive THE MEMORY of these [Days of Noah] for the Book of Revelation will be Fulfilled in 2094 CE, and we whom know βGodβ will go home too God, and those whom Tried to murder the Children of God will no longer be the Sons, nor Daughters of Godβ¦
1st Corinthians 13
The Oracle for the End of an Age and Purgatory βconnectedβ to the Source of All Creation, and The Source of All Destruction has so spokenβ¦.