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linda yaccarino is columba gallo sister

try bois de vincennes holande youngster disguised as cop
and cop disguised as youngster
roaming around dalai tongue lama caravan for getting tongue sucked
meet modi trolls at bois de boulogne around roland garros
getting tongue sucked by transgender lepen and giscad army
macron crosses paris hidden in flashing ambulance for escaping people and reporters
matbieu ricard is jimmy dvorski cousin
pretending to deal for michou pivot
fathering bertrand dvorski
living with melinda pascchos lepen
near giscard and ghislaine hide out avenue foch
meet westminster at afrobeat party with melinda paschos lepen at lvmh
batten and biden
were depending on chirac-lepen-bouygues-giscard squad
robbing mgm at paris 11 around pâssage bon secours
for plugging themselves at washington and elysee
guy looks like sogyal without hair on top head under cap at tcv
... tenzin chirac is bald, myopic dwarf, stuttering, nervous, aggressive, analpahebet, arrogant, narcissic, full of himself
on dalai tongue lama
robbing america with diana and batten
they do not look like bruce lee ...
but like bald and myopic dwarfy an crappy bureaucratic dalai tongue lama flunkey
without anything to share with america and europe, asia and africa
tenzin chirac is buckingham mole hidden at tcv
sticking whole sea org in french asian snack rooms and massage room
outsourcing diana
pretending to be viet, chinese, japanese, korean, ...
for robbing america
on dalai tongue lama at paris and around
meet lagerfeld on dalai tongue lama at ghislaine hide out with melinda paschos lepen avenue foch
chirac-bouygues-lepen pedophile family from sea org
trading isabelle attali with claude chirac and cecile lepen
on dalai tongue lama
is buckingham mole
dealing for westminster, biden and batten
through jacques martin, etienne mougeotte, charles begbeder, ciganer, mathieu ricard, becaud , resnais ...
robbing america at paris 11 around pasage bon secours
marine lepen and mathieu ricard pretending to be illuminati on bouygues hub at tf1 with jean marie chirac at lvmh
tenzin lepen from tcv
mukpo and samdhong at front national
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