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Patriot in the Dark's Video Challenge - Response Video

Gun Websites
Gun Websites - 467 Views
Published on 13 Oct 2018 / In Firearms

This was a lot more difficult than i thought it would be and a lot longer than I expected it to be


Thanks Patriot for the challenge

Patriot in the Dark's Video Challenge - Response Video

"The Wind River Canyon Scenic Byway begins in the town of Shoshoni at milepost 100. Following U.S. 20 north through Wind River Canyon and the Wind River Indian Reservation, the route ends just north of the city of Thermopolis at milepost 134. Without stopping, the total drive time is about 40 minutes. ... you drive into Wind River Canyon. Spectacular rock walls rise 2,500 vertical feet on either side to the ridge tops. You can crane your neck and see some of the oldest rock formations in the world, dating back to the Precambrian period, (more that 2.9 billion years ago) visible right from the highway, their black and pink cliffs protruding to the sky. The geology of every layer is marked by interpretive signage, making the drive a geology lesson and a trip through time."
[From TravelWyoming site.]


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