Pass The Salt Live - On Life and Giving Back 9.7.2018
Lots of synergy happening with the Salt & Light Brigade. We’ve got many events upcoming. Check out
The left wants to kill babies. If our opponent fights to keep abortion legal, why aren’t we just as determined to STOP the killing of our next generation?
The LEFT wants to run the abortion play. Why aren’t we trying to stop it?! If we lose because they get to run their best plays all the way down the field, it’s our own fault. We’ve got to take away their best play.
The LEFT wants to kill those made in the image of God. And a lot of regular public-school-educated adults are too selfish to have and rear children in the admonition of the Lord.
Children are a HERITAGE from the Lord. They’re not our kids. The fruit of the womb is HIS reward. Not ours? His reward to me or my reward to Him?
The fruit of the Lord is His reward. I say it’s both.
Parents and grandparents, love your children and grandchildren. Give back. Forsake selfishness. You will reap what you sow! For good or evil.
Pass the Salt!
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