Part2 Masks Brainwashing Psyop Propaganda Commercials Ads Covid-19 Coronavirus Lockdowns Quarantine.mp4
Part2 Masks Brainwashing Psyop Propaganda Commercials Ads Covid-19 Coronavirus Lockdowns Quarantine

Well give them Parasitic meds like President Trump told people and they wont die from CV.... they killing people by withholding meds and no they would rather put you into a coma, push a tube down your throat and blow your lungs out. That makes them more money,,,, these asshole moneygrubbers wanted to do this in the SARs epidemic but they called it off.... it’s dangerous Bullshit

If anyone tells me to mask up I will flip them the finger.

All the Mask wearers are STUPID SHEEP.... there is no such thing as Covid being any more dangerous than any past viruses....I have never worn a Mask and never will..... I will not take the so called Vaccine as it is gene therapy, NOT A VACCINE... I have read covid is 4 viruses created in a Lab and its backed onto a Cold virus.... there has never been a vaccine for flu or virus and there never will be.... i am 65 and had no vaccinations since i was about 7 years old maybe younger.... I have never had a flu,,,, maybe a slight cold a few times my whole life.... I will never take any vaccines, that’s also why i am never sick,,, i also read that people that run get flu shots every year will die from the flu eventually,,,, that it kills them.... think about that!,, Do research on it.