Part 1 HiJacking Reset, Fix The System, Reset is Marketing w PG
Read Along:
A Word from the Lord
Part 1 HiJacking Reset, Fix The System, Reset is Marketing w PG The Great Reset is Marketing Products for the Future. "A kingdom divided can not stand!"
Why would the Public Broadcasting Network be attacking Itself? "Public Education"? No, this is a part of the new reset. Very clever marketing. They have to sell their new products by destroying the old: same Devil. Confirmation Midnight Cry With Deborah, Jerimiah 50 and 51 Prophecy: God's Reset Is Going To Trump The Devil's Reset / The Wicked Elite Are Not In Control!
Luke 2:49
Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
49 And He said to them, How is it that you had to look for Me? Did you not see and know that it is necessary [as a duty] for Me to be in My Father’s house,{at home, home schooling} and [occupied] about My Father’s business?
Most Important Verse in The Bible
Deborah Williams: Prophecy: God's Reset Is Going To Trump The Devil's Reset / The Wicked Elite Are Not In Control! Dec 26, 2021
Government Run Schools Crush Innovation John Stossel
School Inc
SHOCKING: New York To ARREST The Unjabbed? - Tyranny CONTINUES To SKYROCKET! World Alternative Media
Beyond Conspiracy Theory - The Sick History of Public Education
Supreme Court Decision
John Adams was instrumental in writing the Massachusetts state constitution — the longest written constitution in the nation.
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