PART 1 CNN Insider Blows Whistle on Network President Jeff Zucker’s Personal Vendetta Against POTUS
CNN Insider Blows Whistle on Network President Jeff Zucker’s Personal Vendetta Against POTUS
• Cary Poarch, Who Works at CNN’s Washington DC Bureau, Says: “I Decided to Wear a Hidden Camera…to Expose the Bias”
• Records Zucker’s 9AM Daily Rundown Calls
• Zucker Emphatically States Fox News is “Beyond Destructive for America”
• Zucker to Staffers: “Impeachment is the Story,” Ignore Other Stories
• Employees Ordered by Zucker to ‘Knock Off’ Their Friendliness Towards Lindsey Graham
• Nick Neville, CNN Media Coordinator: “Jeff Zucker…has a Personal Vendetta Against Trump,” “…Then You Get on the 9AM Call and the Big Boss, Jeff Zucker, F**king Tells What to Do”
• Neville: It’s About ‘Ratings,’ “…It’s, Like, They Pulled Names Out of a Hat and It’s Like We’re Watching the Gameshow Network”
• CNN Floor Manager Mike Brevna: “It’s the Trump Network, Dog…They Sold Themselves to The Devil”
• Brevna Recalls Colleagues ‘Sobbing,’ And Says The “Office Was Like a Funeral” After Trump Election Victory
• CNN Media Coordinator, Christian Sierra, Confesses CNN Prepares ‘Softball Interviews’ for Democrats Compared to Republicans, and Suggests “Anti-Trump Crusade” After 2016 Election
• Top Network Executive David Chalian Says Republicans are ‘Delusional, Defiant, or Silent’ With Regards to Trump’s Impeachment Story
• CNN Floor Director Hiram Gonzalez: “…We Created This Monster…Media Created the Trump Monster”
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