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PARENTS WATCH NOW - Ex NHS Nurse Louise Hampton Speaks The Truth & FACTS

Slawomir Slowianin
Slawomir Slowianin - 652 Views
Published on 08 Aug 2021 / In Health

Thank Louise for courageously speaking out about the poisonous MRNA non-vaccine. The only thing she got wrong is the term live virus - a virus is a non living organism.

The COVID19 'death toll' is a fiction created by declaring that people who die of old age or chronic conditions have died of or with COVID19. If the lying innumerate cargo cultists who pretend to be a government wanted to manage COVID19, they would
demand accurate figures, like they have since the doomsday book. COVID19 is a vehicle which is being used to push humanity into a dystopian slave state future.In a sense these people who que in lines to get the jab is the reason why this pandemic came this far, cause they are the majority. So if they drop like flies only woke people should remain - for the Good of Humanity - ALL these information have
been out there from the start, those who choose to ignore it deserve everything they get. Period.

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AK Kulis
AK Kulis 3 years ago

Whoever wrote the text for the description box? Thank you. I'm in total agreement. The prob is, many of these ppl will take 20 years to die (according to Dr Sherri Tenpenny), & we will have to deal with that. 2nd thing- there are FEMA camps all over the country for those of us that are left, so unless we are willing to fight, we may still be in trouble.
As for the "live virus"? Guessing she said that, not out of ignorance, but due to the fact that we have been told all of our lives that there's a dead virus vs live virus concerning vaxx's & what's in them.
You say, "ALL these information have been out there from the start, those who choose to ignore it deserve everything they get." We must remember that TRUTH has not been fed to them in EVER, they are seriously brainwashed. Frankly, I am tired of trying to wake ppl up. "In this day & age of internet, there is no excuse for ignorance". And yet, they still choose to believe the government, the media. Concerning CNN? A teacher once said to me, "Of course they tell the truth. They have to. They are held accountable." I said, "No they're not! TO WHO??"
I also have a Dr friend that thought HCQ was ineffective because that's what he had heard.(from who? CDC?? W.H.O.??) THESE ARE PROFESSIONALS that hold themselves above the common man / researcher (US) intellectually.
Keep praying.
When Sydney Powell was asked what last thing she had to say to America (at the end of a recent interview), she said, "Return to God". I could not agree more.
P.S. You also made a mistake. We are not "WOKE". WE are awake. the WOKE ppl are idiots.
Good channel. thank you.

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