Paleontologists Just Found These Strange Vertical Footprints, And This Is What They Think Made Them
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Paleontologists Just Found These Strange Vertical Footprints, And This Is What They Think Made Them
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Paleontologists Just Found These Strange Vertical Footprints, And This Is What They Think Made Them

Yell that's the only possible explanation for it; there's no way every culture on earth could be right about about a world wide flood such as mentioned in the Bible, all the mountain regions where sea shells, and whale bones are found had to because the land was forced up from below sea level; LMFAO. Its amazing how you discover brand new old way's to deceive man from the truth of creation. Its as if you just completely ignore other scientist who have found shaft and gears deep inside bacteria using very high powered statoscopes in which they claimed was prof of creation because theirs no way possible that could accure through evolution, that its diagram was way to complex for random selection.