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PA Steel League: 2018-06-24 Ontelaunee (RFPO)

Jeremy "BigDawgBeav" Beaver
Published on 25 Jun 2018 / In Firearms

PA Steel League, What a shift in weather. We've had some great days and some nasty days... today was hot and humid. Can only imagine what the rest of the summer brings. Luckily I have the umbrella attached to the wagon. And iof you have never shot a match at Ontelaunee, you are missing out.

As for my performance, left some time out there. Shot pretty well, but certainly could have done much better. Thank you, as always to my sponsor Tandemkross. The #tandemized Victory continues to run great.

#tandemkross #tandemized #swarmthhive #stockisboring #rimfireracegun #ringingsteel #smallpewpews #somuchfun #striplincustom #victory #PASteelLeague #SteelChallenge #LetFreedomRing #kingshooters #PCBullets #purpledropsoffreedom #canik #tp9sfx #freedomsmith #redhilltactical


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