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PA Steel League: 2018-04-22 Topton F&G (Open)

Jeremy "BigDawgBeav" Beaver
Published on 13 Jun 2018 / In Firearms

UPDATE: It wasn't the optic acting up because of an internal problem, the battery cover was loose. I knew I should have gone to the safe table and taken a look. Would have saved myself 2 stages of agony.

So I have branched out a bit and am shooting Open division in the Steel League this year as well. Today was the first competition outing for the Canik TP9 SFx. As this is the first time in a ling time I was drawing from a holster and shooting a gun that I had not actually competed with, I don't think I did too bad. Lots to work on, like mostly finding the dot quicker coming out of the holster.

The SFx ran like a champ, wish I could say the same for the Vortex Venom. Was running fine for 3 of the 5 stages and then just started to crap out on me. Kept dimming down to nothing and jumping all over the place. Tried manually setting the brightmess but it kept changing and even tried the auto setting and the same thing was happening. Going to check the batter and the batter cover to see if they came loose. But sounds like a call to Vortex is in the future.

Results: 98/135 overall and 11/15 in the Open Auto division. Not too bad considering the issues I was having and never shot the Canik TP9 SFx in competition before.

#tandemkross #tandemized #swarmthhive #rimfireracegun #ringingsteel #smallpewpews #somuchfun #striplincustom #victory #PASteelLeague #SteelChallenge #LetFreedomRing #purplepapereaters #kingshooters #pcbullets #canik #tp9sfx


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