Ow well! ~or~Oh Well?? 12April Minnesota/Minneapolis. again a Black Kid SHOT, but the reaction..! Please help me out and react?
12th April, just got to see on the UK BBC news yet again another black kid got shot by a cop! Its just a 'News-flash' one of the so many so that we are shamefully enough almost getting used to it. But this is based on a 20 year old kid who panicked and just ran away was meant to get tasered, BUT the STUPID cops don't even know the difference between their gun and taser to start?? Maybe the need a light tiny shock when they grab it to remind it its already a dangerous weapon anyway, and secondly to point out the difference? Do they still get training after all etc? BUT right after she tells her college on the other side of the road that she SHOT him, AM I RIGHT IN HEARING HIM SAY "OH WELL!? - Is that oh well done? oh yeah this is a shame with a silent snigger? Maybe its just because i don't get the dialect or expression right altho we get fed American by the spoon via TV from when we are born and anyone in Europe speaks it as good as their own lingo, also better then English even from the UK! So could some of you American add your feedback please?

This is yet another illuminati false flag to incite race wars and anti-gun propaganda. I don't take any of this msm cia bullshit seriously and the lack of originality is nauseating.

Hacktivist Mockingbird MSM is reigniting smoldering stupidity. Let's all just ignore the fact that this mostly white Daunte Wright is depicted as all black just to trigger a brain-dead MOB . . . Plus , , , Daunte Wright was a real virtuous CRIMINAL who had warrants against him for outstanding uncivilized behaviors . . . Of course Progressive Marxist Communist BLM will readily apply Victor Davis Hanson's radical rule #2 Laws not binding anymore ==> Arrests, prosecutions and trials are all fluid. Ideology governs when a law is still considered a law.