Oregon Redefining Pistols as Assault Weapons?
Oregon Redefining Pistols as Assault Weapons?
Oregon Senate: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/senate/Pages/SenatorsAll.aspx
Oregon House:
Initiative Petition 43:
What Initiative Petition 43 would do is ban most semiautomatic rifles and nearly all pistols.
The initiative states any rifle capable of accepting a magazine and one of the other cosmetic features listed in the initiative would be banned and labeled an “assault weapon.” Also, if the rifle is less than 30 inches, it would be considered an “assault weapon.”
Any pistol that is capable of accepting a magazine that holds more than ten rounds would be an “assault weapon.” This initiative would ban virtually every semiautomatic pistol since all can take a magazine that holds more than ten rounds.
It will not matter if the owner has a magazine over ten rounds. Just the fact that the pistol is capable of using a larger magazine would be enough to ban them.
All magazines that hold over ten rounds would also be banned. The initiative refers to these magazines as “high capacity.” The group seems to have borrowed text from a similar bill (H.R.5087) that was introduced in US House of Representatives by Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I). We have also seen similar measures with the word for word same language pop up in other states such as the bill introduced in Minnesota by Rep Linda Slocum.
The initiative would also ban most semiautomatic shotguns. The initiative would ban any semiautomatic shotgun that holds more than ten rounds or takes an external magazine. Any shotgun with a pistol grip or without a fixed stock would also be banned.
Residents would have 120 days to transfer their firearms out of the state, turn them over to police, or register their guns. Residents who don’t get rid of or register their guns would be committing a felony. There is no word on how police would enforce the law.
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