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Open Seeds Biopiracy and the Patenting of Life (2012 Cobrett Report)

JamesRoss - 282 Views
Published on 07 Sep 2024 / In Technology
Percy Schmizer had to sell his farm to pay for his Masonic-run legal system... Lawyers and appointed judicial overseers are typically Masonic and Luciferian... Yes, Freemasons eventually figure out that the Light they seek is that of Lucifer in the Vatican... it is the A.i. "Great Work" of rebuilding the Tower-Of-Babel for their masters, Homo capensis. Corbett does not connect enough dots to give the bigger picture.
And the skin on a current Homo capensis is actaully gray and very leathery looking. One came to show me his face and body in Winnipeg in 2019... they like to pretend that they are physical gods, but they are not "fallen"... they are the failed mankind who destroyed their Creator-God Given genetic blueprint and now they are a failed species. Humans are still young and naive and full of vitality which Homo capensis tried to steal from us using our women. Homo capensis pretend that they are not in the animal kingdom because they clone themselves instead. A.i. is required to alter their clone's genetics. They are totally dependent on A.i. to survive as a species whereas humans are not dependent of some A.i. fake-god to help us procreate.
A.i. was used before the Great Iceage to splice Homo capensis genetics into Earthlings so that they could interbreed with the hybrid... humans.. the hue of man.

WESTERN civilization governments are actually Masonic actors being traitors to their people. They conspire to take food rights away from people's rights to it. The four horsemen in the bible is not from Jesus... it is an agenda from the Homo capensis ancient monsters who live for thousands of years and herd humans like humans do to sheep with wool in their eyes.

Any country with Masonic temples in it is under a well organized Masonic sabotage to bring in their NWO Utopia for dumbed-down thUgs, thus a thUgtopia is rising out of Western Civilization.

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