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Ongoing hispanic latino Dog Abuser Invaders At 2172 Jammes Jacksonville Florida 32210 AR99BU

Publishing House
Publishing House - 62 Views
Published on 25 Sep 2024 / In News and Politics

September 22, 2024 2:30 in the morning invader latino dog abusers.
JEA Pole 57663

Ongoing hispanic latino Dog Abuser Invaders At 2172 Jammes Jacksonville Florida 32210 AR99BU

An Animal Code Enforcement Officer will be dispatched to investigate and address the issue.
Animal Care and Protective Services
2020 Forest St.
Jacksonville, FL 32204
(904) 630-CITY (2489)
E-mail: [email protected]

Ongoing child abuse report about invader hispanic latino christianScams for manager of jew slum!
Don't care of latino voters have aspiration. Get your ass back to mexico while you can.
Don't care of you speak Spanish and are paid to make fraud votes. Get out of our only home or we will be coming to your city NEXT!
Criminal jews import latinos illegally into the US for money and they don't care if you are raped and killed.
We don't want perv browns in Vegas working for jews who rape and kill our children.
We don't want to pay for taxpayer funded invader brown spic latino abortion child killing!
We are better off without ANY latino voters in our home!
Don't ask what your taxpayer can do for you latino, ask what the latino can do for the taxpayer.
We don't care if you want to be 'equal' and take our taxes. Get out now! No warnings.
The US taxpayer is not going to pay to enforce basic safety laws on latino invaders working scam jobs for jews that refuse to go home!
Not going to pay for any latino invader spawn to abuse our taxpayer funded educational system.
Uncle SAM is the US taxpayer idiot spic invaders and we are not paying for your malice!
There are more and better contractor jobs available in latin american nations like mexico compared to anywhere in the USA.
Don't care if you think you are close to a border because you didn't want to walk any more. Get the whole hell out of our home! All the way to Mexico or swim.
Take your whole perv latinx community and get the hell out of our only home! Swim if you need to. It will be safer for you.
If you don't speak spanish and you think you are latin, you are an idiot. Get out of my home and go speak spanish with other latin brown in your home nations.
If you want to raise your family and have a place to live, then get the hell out of our only home and go to where your extended family is buried.
Go to a 'latin american' nation if you think you are latin american like brown mexico. They are in North America too idiot invaders. More jobs too.
You try to stay here in my home and you will wish you never stayed. You and your invader super predator DACA spawn.
Bum latinos only add to the child rapist cult problem in the United States. Extreme child abuse is now much worse in 'latin' nations as observed.
Cultist spics in the doj assist the abduction of our children from their father so they can act as renfields for the child rapist killers.
No brown will ever help you in a real way simply because they don't care about your life. They will do the bidding of the jew and pretend a little but in the end they will steal your children, abuse them, rape them, and kill them as their obsession. More at
Morbidly obese criminal jew-spic hybrids ripping of local native Jacksonville residents for shitty coffee with cow pus on possibly the worst street in Florida, 103rd!
When using this location for their falsely advertised lunch services it was found to be rude, low quality, over priced, and excessively harmful to the guest paying for food and drink services overall. Even before you can get on the property, short hispanic invaders were seen using gas blowers in an unprofessional way blasting trash including broken bottles and meth pipes into the street with incoming traffic traveling on 103rd. After passing by the excessive dust and trash blown everywhere with noise pollution after they opened it was recorded that no one will even look at you until you wait in the empty hole in the wall for around 40 minutes. Once another perv comes in with fake hair color, they will receive instant attention because they appear brown. They charge more for a fake toxic coffee with cow pus than most local spots and only mention on the menu they charge for refills on juice but charge for refills that are unreasonably slow. Lettuce, tomato, and raw onion is not a six dollar salad anywhere in North America but after paying more than it costs for adult AYCE lunch at Golden Corral with All You Can Drink coffee and shrimp, leaving hungry was observed.

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