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One Hour of Nicaraguan Contras Music

FalangeBall - 240 Views
Published on 26 Feb 2024 / In Music

0:00 "El FSLN es una amenaza comunista para Centroamérica" (The FSLN is a communist threat to Central America - Speech by Commander Enrique Bermúdez Varela)

0:24 Comandos de la Libertad (Liberty Commandos)
3:13 Himno de la Resistencia Nicaraguense (Anthem of the Nicaraguan Resistance)
5:44 ¡Unidos, Hermanos! (United, Brothers!)
9:48 Todos de Frente contra el Frente (All against the Sandinista Front)
12:57 Canto de Lucha Armada (Armed Battle Song)
16:36 Al Mártir de la Democracia (To the Martyr of Democracy)
19:37 Trueno (Thunder)
22:27 Campesinos de la Contra (Peasants of the Counterrevoution)
26:47 Miliciano (Militiaman)
30:16 Éxodo (Exodus)
33:28 Ya Nicaragua No Se Aguantó (Nicaragua Couldn't Stand it Anymore)
36:18 Canto a la Resistencia Nicaraguense (Song of the Nicaraguan Resistance)
39:44 Historia Anti-Comunista Campesina (Story of the Anti-Communist Peasants)
42:04 Canto contra la Represion Piricuaca (Song against the Sandinista Repression)
45:56 Canto contra las Violaciones Piricuacas (Song against the Sandinista Violations)
48:34 Derrotemos la Rojo y Negro (Let's Defeat the Red and Black Flag)
49:12 Maestro de las Colinas (Master of the Hills)
52:42 ¡Saquemos a los Cubanos! (Let's Get the Cubans Out!)
56:42 La Tal Revolución (That Revolution)
1:00:00 Corrido a la Contra (Song of the Counterrevolution)
1:03:01 Comandante Cero (Commander Zero)
1:05:33 Comandante 3-80 (Commander 3-80)
1:09:17 Esta es Nicaragua (This is Nicaragua)
1:13:54 Comandos de la Libertad (Liberty Commandos) [Alternative Version]

1:16:20 ¡Viva Nicaragua! (Hail Nicaragua! - Speech by Commander Enrique Bermúdez Varela)

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