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One Hour of German Military Music in Italian

FalangeBall - 388 Views
Published on 18 Jan 2024 / In Music

-Das Horst Wessel Lied-
0:00 È l'Ora di Marciar (It's Time to March)
1:25 In Alto i Cuori (Hearts Up High)

-SS Marschiert in Feindesland-
3:12 Canto del Guerriero Parà (Song of the Parà Warrior)
4:48 Così Combattono i Cavalieri (This is How the Knights Fight)

8:35 Sui Monti e Sui Mar (On the Mountains and On Seas)
11:45 Sui Monti, Nel Ciel (On the Mountains, In the Sky)

-Heil Hitler Dir-
13:17 Svegliati Europa (Wake Up Europe)
16:49 La Fiamma è Ritornata (The Flame Has Returned)

-Wir Fahren Gegen Engelland-
20:14 Cara Mamma Parto Volontario (Dear Mother, I'm Going to Volunteer)

-Bomben auf Engelland-
22:00 Bombe Sull'Inghilterra (Bombs on England)

-Es ist so Schön Soldat zu Sein, Rosemarie-
25:06 La Terza Compagnia (The Third Company)

26:17 Se tu Credi nel Destino (If You Believe in Destiny)

-Der Tod in Flandern-
28:27 La Marcia Della Morte (The March of Death)

-SA Marschiert Durch Deutsches Land-
30:38 Per le Strade d' Europa (For the Streets of Europe)

-Auf, auf zum Kampf-
35:52 Lottiam Lottiam (Fight, Fight)

-Unser liebe Fraue-
39:08 Nostre Care Donne (Our Dear Women)

-Die Trommel Schlägt und Schmettert-
42:06 Rulla il Tamburo (Roll the Drum)

-Lili Marleen-
44:44 Lili Marlene

-Der Morgige Tag Ist Mein-
48:00 Il Domani Appartiene A Noi (Tomorrow Belongs to Us)

-Ich hatt’ einen Kameraden-
51:23 Avevo un Camerata (I Had a Comrade)

-Gott Erhalte, Gott Beschütze-
55:07 Serbi Dio l'Austriaco Regno (God Save the Austrian Kingdom)

-Das Horst Wessel Lied-
58:01 È l'Ora di Marciar (It's Time to March) [Alternative Version]

Extra: Italy-Germany Collaboration Song
1:01:14 Camerata Richard (Comrade Richard)

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