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One Hour of French Post-Revolution Royalist Music

FalangeBall - 652 Views
Published on 02 May 2021 / In Music

Okay, I was planning to do a compilation of counterrevolutionary French music in general first, but I've decided to separate the counterrevolutionary movement from the period of the French Revolution to the post-19th century.
Most of these songs belong to the Action Française (The main counter-revolutionary/monarchical movement after the French Revolution) or to the French pro-Imperial Russia movement.

0:00​ La Royale (The Royal)
7:08​ La France Bouge (France Moves)
10:10​ Vive les Camelots du Roi (Hail the King's Camelots)
12:02​ Chanson pour Boire au Roi (Song to Drinking for the King)
14:20​ Quand les Lys Blancs Refleuriront (When the White Lilies Will Bloom Again)
17:12​ A la Santé du Roi (To the King's Health)
20:08 Étudiants et Camelots (Students and Camelots)
23:01 La Gueuse (The Pig)
25:13 Vive Jean III, le Magnifique (Hail Jean III, the Magnificent)
26:38​ Le Bon Rouet (The Good King)
29:10​ Les Partisans Blancs (The White Partisans)
33:11 Russie Libre (Free Russia)
37:09​ Natacha Implore Le Christ Tsar (Natacha Implores Christ for the Tsar)
41:04 Leur République (Their Republic)
43:40 Occident En Avant (Forward, Western World)
46:54​ Claquez Bannières! (Slam Banners!)
49:44 La Catholique (The Catholic)
52:54​ La Royale (The Royal) [Rock Version]
57:02​ Vive le Roy (Hail the King)

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