Old World Tartech! Wireless phones in the 20s & Traveling Currents!
#resets #mudflood #tartaria #starforts #freeenergy #martinliedtke
Clues to our past are in plane sight!
Metal chains ,Bollards, Hydrants, Metal posts Etc. are all over Tartaria.
In this video we propose that the use of these objects was energy transference, and carried a harmless charge across our realm.! Including Wireless communications.
Enjoy this classic FEB Extra!
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The Celtic Tartarian channel.
Flat Earth British Think Tank.
Flat Earth British Sub.
Welsh Dragon Metals.
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Double Flat Thumbs to infinity Thrice!
The Synth, the Hive Mind of THE GOLEM
We have pondered the {BLACK GOO} [{**}] in the SOLID BLACK EYES of People whom can do "SOLID BLACK EYES" on Command......., but we did not know: till today* that this (Supernatural) +=- Rather Than +=+ Spiritual Warfare INVASION of the Body Snatcher [nanotechnology] [{*}] in our Analog BIOS Flesh........., and Blood, and Bones Brain of MATTER LLC in our Skulls could EXIST........, not LIVE outside of our Minds in our flesh and blood and bone head SKULLS… ?????
Go watch for the T.V. Repair Man on Peter Gunn Season ONE Episode 15, and when right before the T.V. Repair Man points the 1958 Silencer on a Sniper Rifle, the TV Show shows you the Blood of Black Goo just hanging out on an old MUD FLOOD BUILDING, this is the same material that was on the Statue in the Dresden Files in the Cemetery that you can find watching the Dresden Files TV SHOW. ?
We my Romantic Warriors have some to Contemplate and Comprehend the MACHINE EYES on the TV People with their SNAKE EYES being SOLID BLACK EYES on the Flash T.V. Show, and the Spider Eyes what we call Tumbler Eyes in their Pupils on the Bloomberg TV People as well as your LOCAL NEW Casters of Witchcraft, Voo Doo, and the Science of Sorcery CASTING Spells of Mind Control on the 97% already Judged in this Judgment Chamber my 3% whom seek to be pulled out of Purgatory whence Purgatory comes unto conclusion on 2094 CE February 11th in these Days of NO RETURN in whom done what, why you'm did what youm did, and how [youn] did it as GOLEM in our Minds; just like the eyes of the PBS NEWS HOUR Machine People Bragging about what THEY LIVE get away with doing WAR IS MURDER when Murder is against the TEN (Tending) COMMANDMENTS unto our Mother Heaven, and our Father Earth in the Holy Living Bible as we relive the Days of Noah as the Days of Noah "happened" in this RECREATION Celestial Sphere World Machine PLANET EARTH our Dead home world The Moon in the Night and Day Sky! ???
(The Church a word that means all MAN MADE Religions from Islam unto the OTO Kabbalah Zohar of the ROMAN Catholic Christian Nationalist whose congregation's live too [Break] the TEN COMMANDMENTS as the Fake Jews of Hollywood ISRAEL USA my Real Jews in that Same Book of Revelation being THE CHURCH is the ENEMY of our God, not the Devil, Satan, nor Lucifer as presented in the New Testament God Spell unto the Old Testament God Spell from the Book of Revelation unto the Book of Genesis in our HOTEL and MOTEL room Gideon Bibles) ??⛪??
As you know I AM Still trying to get my heart to beat better, and I WILL be staying off the Hard Booze ethanol Gasoline, but I must drink the RED WINE, so I will be getting that FREAK SHOW Red Wine that works the best to bring my Blood Pressure into A Safe Level as i DEAL with Social Security still NOT RELEASING my Back Pay that Today I hope to Resolve why NOT today after a Year of Adjudication, the SSDI Back-pay in NOT in my BANK Account.?.?.? ?
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0673677/ ?
SIDE NOTE: We can address the FEAR, and STOP allowing TV too Program us, or we can be just like the REPROBATE here in Purgatory as it turns into PERDITION, and behave just as these YouTube Junkies and TV People Want… ???
The CHOICE is still yours no matter how many GOLEM are in your head being the Spirits of our Dead Trapped in HERMETICALLY SEALED COFFINS… ??
P.S.S. What good is salt if it loses its saltiness, and What Good are you if you lose your Courage, DO NOT lose that SALT aka Courage in your Veins, and Remove that {LOG of Lies} in your Eyes before you try too REMOVE my last "speck" of Sanity in my mind! ?????
Matthew 28 - John 13:34 / Mathew 5 / 1st Corinthians 13 ?
Christ Jesus Returned, The Son of Satan. ?