Oklahoma City - The Truth in 5 Minutes - James Corbett
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=14347
Everything you ever wanted to know about the OKC bombing in under 5 minutes.

None of this surprises me. I can't believe how many people believe that the US govt. would never do anything illegal or against the interests of the US citizenry. There was a time when we'd be hanging them by the neck until dead. We need some of that!

IMPORTANT: UGETube is DEAD, videos are NOT supported any more after being converted, NO support - Find another place to upload, please let me know what you find. pacsteam.org - because I am sick of none working sites.....

Glad to see you on here. Just started our channel here. Got ot get off the controlled platforms.

What about the Cop that committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of his head? I guess he knew too much?

These useless pigs are everywhere in governments of many countries, They have sold out their people to the UN communist agenda named 2030. They have allowed cameras on every street corner with the lie that It's for fighting crime, but also these companies in the CCTV business are making tons of money.
These government officials “PIG TRAITORS” are finally getting ready to put the final nail in the coffin when in May 2024 sing their countries in the UN/OMS "PLANDEMIC" treaty given away what little is left of their sovereignty.
** https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1504948180037406740?referrer=ricacosta
** https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1477509365274513415?referrer=ricacosta
Also, these USELESS PIGS and TRAITORS are in the big corporation like the CHICKEN SHIT that he is -the Ex CEO of Chick-fil-A says White folks should SHINE SHOES of Black folks.