OK BOOMER (Clueless on Inflation)
Regarding the (US) Economy, and the world…
The promissory note system has not been gold backed in America for many years; the American money system also does not exist, as the American people’s own Constitutional institutional institutions do not create the public bank note, which represents the nation’s wealth, for citizens to enjoy earning and spending on the wealth and goods of their nation;
The American bank note is instead a loaned, thin-air printed device that appears like a bank note but has nothing to do with either America or her people— it’s a centralised corporation that deals with issuing ideas in paper form to paid back on exorbitant interests, which is where the former generations spent their wealth and their children’s inheritance and future prospects.
Therefore, the inflation the US economy suffers is the value setting caste of individuals in the wealthy upper class trying to save their own skin/corporate banks and protect the viability of their product— the promissory note issued by its private creator and owner, the so called “Federal Reserve” which sits legally distinct from the US legal system as an outsider on US soil. When more paper is printed, the value decreases as the amount of print increase thus decreases the value through saturation of the economy of more unbacked bills of custom, or “bank” notes.
Generations before the Millennial mostly took their wealth and assets out on a thing called credit.. This was bank loans, from all the privatised and corporate outlets each selling the same service of “credit now pay later”, under different service provider situations or “marketing”… like having three different places to buy your bucket of apples, one place markets GMO, the other doesn’t, one is organic and probably an import — it’s the same product, just delivered with different clauses. But all these loans of thin air “credit” have to be paid back.
When the US government purchased bonds, the fancy word for a stack of printed promissory notes, they had to sell off the assets and wealth of their governed generation, which in turn meant that the wealth of the generations after the Baby Boomers, would be claimed in payment… hence, Millennials are the poorest generation, under the successfully private “banking” class, to ever exist, sweating and bleeding more, for half or less the value in return — an economic slave generation.
Promissory means that “the mineral wealth doesn’t exist to back this note of trade and purchase, an IOU (I Owe You), but I promise by this notes existence to pay it back — it’s not money, it’s an invoice in monetary form.
A bail in is where whatever money is held by workers is siphoned upwards to save the ledger of the banks— because those notes are private property owned and loaned out by said banks. That’s another problem — it’s not the nation’s money, the idea of it is, but it’s delivered in the form of something already owned that is loaned out to perform the same function of monetary circulation.
“”Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who writes her laws”.
Laws govern those who obey them. Law breakers can’t be stopped except by force: gun control therefore doesn’t affect the law breaking citizen, only the law abiding, which is the point and thus enforced by political criminals against the weak and obedient.
But to control the nation, not govern the nation, you must control how easily they can interact with a system that is locked and chained to only abide and acknowledge the use of minted coin and printed bank note: make those harder to access, and the working class become by function a slave class— ever slaving their life away, never able to produce their own life from that sweat equity they invest.
The inflation is the killer in the equation.
That which has no value to start with becomes bloated with non-value wherein it takes more of the same product to hold the same value of that amount of product if there was less net amount of that product in circulation.
Or, 3 apples are worth 3 apples so long as there are a total of 100 apples in circulation in accordance with 100 pieces of gold to bank those 100 apples, which is the lawful allowable amount of recognisable value.
Inflation says, your 3 apples are now worth 1 quarter of 1 apple, altogether, because you have 2000 apples in circulation, which exceeds the value holding of those apples as there are more apples than gold to represent them, if any gold at all (but tell no one that part).
When a nation does not control its own purchase power, and what it uses has no true material wealth to back that bank note, then the nation is in economic peril and in a state of distress. No amount of hard work can undo the sin of selling out the birthright of the nation — the birthright must be taken back and healed and backed with the actual value.
Through issuing promissory notes to the nations, via the World Economy Forum and World Bank, the nations signed onto the New World Order’s money system, which is designed to collapse, have all paid back their credit loan interests by selling their lives, their children’s lives, their gold and silver, their oil, their infrastructure and the rights to build on their own land, and their farmable crop lands, up the line to the banking elite who now control all nations who went broke paying for thin air notes.
This is why elite bank vaults hold everyone’s gold, why corporate oligarchs have bought all the land and are now growing poison and GMO food, and all the paper “money” in the nations burn against the cheap, Communist “Made in China” goods that the world has been forced to be dependent on.
What happens next will be the collapsing of all these sin and debt linked economies through a domino effect creating a world wide economic chaos so severe, the Man of Sin (Antichrist) will emerge with a Mark system of centralised world banking, where cash will disappear and electronic/meta-physical “credit coin” will emerge to fund the remains of the world with super taxes and licenses for all things.
All nations should control their own wealth and create their own domestic product. Globalisation facilitated the planned demise where if one super-developer nation falls, and the leading economic power falls, all must fall, and this is crooked planning. All nations should hold their own static treasury of wealth to back their domestic use, locally owned and printed monetary system. Cash is king because it is anonymity, isn’t digital, isn’t reliant on power to exist, and provides the security and privacy of the individual to which all living, human beings are born with, entitled to, and imbued with by Almighty God.
A better system would be a multiple value economy system where both mineral wealth, and productive value of a nation all contribute to the concentrated value of the idea of that nation as represented by its money system. A nation that does not retain its treasury cannot legally use its notes internationally or its electronic equivalent, for lack of retained bars in the bank to give the promissory its value.
Finally, when the cost of living, i.e. bills to pay to serve vendors who provide them; cost of food products; cost of essential, luxury, or miscellaneous items, goes up/inflates… notice how the value od the wage does not rise to meet it in order to keep the recipient able to participate. This is by design. Make the resources “owned” by these huge corporations harder for the unworthy “slave class” to access, by stagnating the wage value that they are working twice or harder for without gaining the same value out of it in order to participate. How can the value of goods and service go up, but the value of human labour devalues against those items — are things worth more than people, in the eyes of those who control privatised wealth pretending to be national wealth?