Odysee Has A Hate Speech Policy Just Like BitChute & YouTube
Apologist Justin Derby discusses the hate speech policy that Odysee has on their community guidelines, and why Justin will never use Odysee.
Lbry Insinuates BitChute Is An Anti-Semite Haven, Argues With Styxhexenhammer666 And Me About It (UGETube version):
Lbry Insinuates BitChute Is An Anti-Semite Haven, Argues With Styxhexenhammer666 And Me About It (NewTube version):
Odysee Community Guidelines:
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My Tip Jar page: https://mytipjar.org/TTOR/
TTOR Website: https://ttor.faithlifesites.com/
TTOR Blog: https://truththeobjectivereality.blogspot.com
Follow TTOR on the following social media:
CreationSocial: https://creation.social/page/view/15
JoshWho TV: https://www.joshwhotv.com/channel/Ttor
NewTube: https://newtube.app/user/TTOR
Pocketnet: https://pocketnet.app/ttor
Loop: https://loop.joshwho.net/members/2442920
Twellit: https://twellit.com/@TTOR
USA.Life: https://usa.life/truththeobjectivereality
Gab: https://gab.com/TTOR
Minds: minds.com/Truth_The_Objective_Reality
Gorf Pub: https://gorf.pub/@TTOR
Xephula: https://xephula.com/TTOR
Gorf: https://gorf.social/ttor
BrighteonSocial: https://brighteon.social/@TTOR
MAGABook: https://www.magabook.com/TTOR_Official

It would be one thing if it was just inciting violence, but simply saying something negative without being violent shouldn't get you banned.