Oct 2nd Trump Asked If He would Take The Covid-19 Booster Shot & Past Compilation Trump Vaccine Vids.mp4
Oct 2nd Trump Asked If He would Take The Covid-19 Booster Shot & Past Compilation Trump Vaccine Vids
Yahoo Finance
Trump: ‘I got the Pfizer’ vaccine

Johnny Exodice
A lot of this stuff is spoke in O.T.O. freemason Corporate Globalist CITIZENS "Code" where DNA is not DNA because DNA does not exist.…
Moreover, these people are all raised UNDERGROUND in their Space Ship Earth where THEY LIVE are raised on "LED" VR Headgear Holographix (SIMULATORS) [{**}] and Mercury based Light Bulbs before THEY LIVE are old enough to come TOP SIDE on our side of FLAT EARTH from INNER EARTH.......,
and like my Plants I grew last winter under these New [Fake Light] Qballs~ /_\ Grow Lights that the Broccoli could not handle the Real "Yellow" UV RAYS Sun no matter how much White Matter THEY LIVE Chemically (spray) in the skies for their "Sickle Cell" because if THEY LIVE won't grow up TOP SIDE.........,
and their side of FLAT EARTH in this Shared Celestial Sphere has no Sun, nor Moon, THEY LIVE can't cure a People raised "without" SUN LIGHT, nor have THEY LIVE used Natural "1893" AD UV Light Bulbs to transition from DEAD LIGHT!!!!!
The Oracle for the End of an Age connected to the Source of All Creation and All Destruction has so spoken, and this Code Word Sickle Cell where THEY LIVE take the Marrow from our {Healthy HUMAN BONES} +=+ is just one more reason all FREE MASON Lodges have got to be taken out and "REPLACED" with WE ARE NON-MASON:
till we put all CORPORATIONS..........., and their #AMTV Capitalist INTERNATIONALIST in their place, and Yes.... I JUST HAD DE-JA-VU writing this!!!!!
#Lobster ?

The Antichrist. You knew d well i was a snake. I Am the chosen one.