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NY Gov. to Deploy Nat’l Guard to Help Self-Imposed Nursing Shortage Create Emergency, Claim Power.mp4

lightseeker7 - 315 Views
Published on 30 Sep 2021 / In Health

NY Gov. to Deploy Nat’l Guard to Help Self-Imposed Nursing Shortage | Create Emergency, Claim Power

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lightseeker7 3 years ago

Did I read the headlines right? Let me print it again- "NY Gov. to Deploy Nat’l Guard to Help Self-Imposed Nursing Shortage | Create Emergency, Claim Power".
So, now the female governor who took over Cuomo's failed reign, makes a law to allow herself to be Queen of NY state, with military enforcement of medical care granted to her magically, and no peep from the legislators. ...
If you live anywhere on this planet, you should be scared you know what!
This video is only 12 minutes 8 seconds long, but it will shock you.... who granted this "dictator" the power to make mandates with that much power....
If you live in NY you need to be out protesting in full force, no matter what. You should also be calling your NY reps, if they have any credibility left, send emails, protest via the newspapers that haven't gone to the dark side, and throw the tea into NY harbor...
I will be sharing this all over, so if FB gets nasty, Rumble through the streets, go to Odysee fair, look for brand new tube, sign up with uge tube.... the Russians and commies are not coming, they are already here....

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