This video is being processed. Please try again soon.NWO: United Nations say “We have the opportunity to transform our world”
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The video was produced in Santiago Bay, the Camotes Islands, the Philippines on January 22, 2021.
In the video clip, which is an abbreviated version of Guterres’ speech of which I will provide a link of the entire speech in the video text description, https://www.un.org/sg/en/conte....nt/sg/statement/2021 Guterres spoke about climate change and changes that need to be made along with a list of positive outcomes including millions of jobs especially for the youth and women.
Mr. Guterres is head of an organization, the United Nations, that is advocating all kinds of micro and macro programs that are supposed to fix the world’s problems most notably Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030 based on sustainable development. This initiative has the purpose of moving people from the country to the big cities so as to leave nature alone.
Ms. Rosa Koire, who has studied the contents of Agenda 2030 has spoken on several occasions about the UN Agenda 2030 including the management and control of all land, water, minerals, food, energy, plants, animals, construction and...all human beings in the world. A link to a video of Ms. Koire’s concerns over the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 will be provided in the video text description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PrY7nFbwAY
The elites also want to make you believe that if you own anything, you’ll be happier. So what will happen with those who will own everything? Won’t they be unhappy? As the United Nations’ Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, mentioned, “we have the opportunity to transform our world”. That’s his worldview of how things should be. Notice how he using a fabricated negative scenario to usher in change, as means to “transform our world”. Prior to making his statement on the United Nations having the opportunity to transform the world, Guterres recently mentioned that 2021 is the right opportunity to heal the world, which coincided with pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti encyclical in October 2020.
According to several independent studies, which I will provide links, there's simply NO climate change:
Tony Heller has an excellent YouTube channel exposing how warm temperatures have been ongoing for centuries years even though pope Francis would like you to think otherwise. Two links to Mr. Heller’s videos will show that there were major heatwaves between 1790 and 1934: https://www.youtube.com/watch?....v=cvdivKMRrZs&featur & https://www.youtube.com/watch?....v=mGe9JO58Uc8&featur
And now with Catholic US President, Joe Biden, in power to lead the second beast of Revelation 13, we have Biden who is echoing the Vatican’s gospel of climate change which can be seen on his website of which I will provide a link of in the video text description: https://joebiden.com/climate-plan/
The stage is set: we have the three Catholic amigos regurgitating the same false message of climate change including the man of sin in the Vatican, the United States President and the United Nations’ Secretary General.
The pope is using climate change to unite the world together under his banner so that he can be recognized as the world’s leader with the purpose of enforcing his mark, hence, the mark of the beast...the beast or kingdom being the Vatican. I will provide a couple of links in the video text description explaining what the Vatican beast’s mark will be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zuZMgSWo5c & https://youtu.be/AVsK80Qh6uY
Those who will follow the lead of the pope will eventually take the mark of the Vatican beast, burn in hellfire, turn to ash and die as per 2 Peter 2:6; Revelation 14:9-11 and Revelation 16.
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