NUTNFANCY SHOT 2012: Victorinox Cadets in New Colors!
Nutnfancy - 238 Views
Published on 05 Apr 2018 / In People and Blogs
Time to raid the Lindor chocolates again in the Victorinox booth. Oh wait, white chocolate?! Maybe not. But Becky is our good host again for this quick check in this year with Victorinox. Spurned on by the popularity gained in TNP, Becky tells us Vicotorinox is planning to re-issue the Cadet (my ever present "rescue" tool) in some great new colors! Great news and prepare to add to your collections. Then we do a quick run down of the new stuff with V. and then make plans for a TNP Giveaway for May 2012. How about we do 10 Black Victorinox Rescue tools? Victorinox Becky is a great host again and you can thank HER for the upcoming Giveaway!
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