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NRB COMCAST voicemail Call 6 9 19 Hack attempt 2nd short.mp4

Michael Williamson
Michael Williamson - 339 Views
Published on 04 Nov 2022 / In News and Politics

Prior to the 2020 Election Trump asked early in 2019 for folks to upload their examples of Social Media bias , shadowban and dirty tricks , I did a report with a slide example each for Google Youtube and Facebook PRIOR to that the News was out in December of 2018 the National Religious Broadcasters were going to sue several social media 'platforms' for their bias against conservatives and Religious broadcasters A couple of weeks into january of 2019 I decided I would join so I went to their webpages and spend over a hour attempting to figure out the dues and how to join as a individual or as a outlet. I ran out of time that day so I called and left a voicemail with my phone number and email... never heard anything until June 9th. I had been gone june 7th for a family matter and when I first saw the "call from the future" on the ID , I thought I had missed a call from Friday afternoon. I made this video as short as I could since it could be uploaded easier from a phone and low DSL quality . Called them and tried to alert them to my suspicion they had a compromised VOicemail system , they guy that answered knew exactly what I was getting at and thought the CEO might want to do a news story so he sent me to his extention to leave a voice mail if he didn't answwer, so I did. Tuesday the 11th while out of office again I did a search and found the MASHABLE article : "Hackers can seize practically all your online accounts, and it's your voicemail's fault"
By hacking your voicemail, a security researcher says he's found a way to take over Google, Microsoft, Apple, and WhatsApp accounts. Look it up. OF COURSE when I saw that I called and asked for the IT department at NRB, a fellow was covering for lunch he said, he did not understand what I was getting At. I just told him look up he Mashable article , you guy's Voicmail content may be stolen for months. He said he would give the department head a message. SO Wednesday a irritated woman called me back what this was about. Gave the story again From December's Lawsuit to January's attempt to join and leaving a voicemail with my contact info and the "Call from the Future" The Receptionist that had understood the implications, the fact that the guy at the IT department had not been told to consider changing all his passwords and voicemail password? Anyway I started getting their emails and never heard anything about their social media lawsuit. Same with Trump zip. He just started his own, and Elon Musk bought Twitter. ... Longer Version different camera: Velcommin sie to ze 4th Reich technocrassy , if you are allowed to see or share this and my other videos of such problems going back to the 1997 time frame and before by sources that came forward. . .

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