Now vegetables are becoming the “Source of Covid” in some areas of #China - the CCP government workers are removing vegetables planned by a villager.
#Anonymous# - 290 Views
Published on 22 Apr 2022 / In News and Politics
Now vegetables are becoming the “Source of Covid” in some areas of #China - the CCP government workers are removing vegetables planned by a villager.
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3 years ago
How sad it is when a human vegetable blames a plant vegetable for spreading a bug that no one has even found can a plant spread a variant of something that also has never been found or isolated yet , even when the bug cannot be transmitted by air and only by touch or these out of control vegetables roam around freely at night to make deliberate contact with other plants to pass this never found or isolated imaginary bug on to them. Ask Mr. Plantlife himself , crazy joe biden , the original vegetable.....for he will surely know.
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