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Not Real? PROOF Inauguration, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton Obama, The Pope Have Been Executed

Callise Allysea Angelique Artemis
Published on 25 Feb 2021 / In News and Politics

Video on how the Media can create a hologram, Deep fake Video, AI robotic engineering to impersonate a President, A World Religious Leader or an Actor in Hollywood to prevent followers from getting hysterical ones learning the leaders they looked at two have been arrested and executed for child trafficking, child sodomy torture rape and supporting the largest child trafficking ring located in Washington DC the world has ever seen!Vidéo sur la façon dont les médias peuvent créer un hologramme, Deep fake Video, ingénierie robotique par IA pour se faire passer pour un président, un chef religieux mondial ou un acteur à Hollywood pour empêcher les adeptes de devenir hystériques en apprenant que les dirigeants qu'ils ont regardés ont été arrêtés et exécutés
pour le trafic d'enfants, la sodomie d'enfants, la torture, le viol et le soutien du plus grand réseau de trafic d'enfants situé à Washington DC que le monde ait jamais vu!

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TheGreatCumbini 4 years ago

but why not tell the public the truth? It doesnt make any sense why to keep it a secret

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Flat Earth Gal
Flat Earth Gal 4 years ago

Please don’t fall into the lie if you think he’s been arrested. You need to look into cloning and holographic‘s. He’s part of the demon system. They’re not gonna get rid of him that easy. I’m assuming you guys are following Q. I wish there were such a great person. It’s just a quantum computer. The Lord won’t let anyone see the truth if I was a lie. You have to stop putting your trust in mankind. And then the Lord will show you the truth. Ask God to forgive you. And he will show you what is real and what is not real. No man will save the children. None not one. Only Jesus Christ himself in his final return. That’s why we are given a choice in life. One day the evil ones will pay for what they’ve done to the children and to humanity. Those sick sick awful twisted demons and humans

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Daniel J Towsey
Daniel J Towsey 4 years ago

very good video

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Callise Allysea Angelique Artemis

Thank you

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Kingralphie1 4 years ago

Maybe they are making a rubber mask

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