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NIGHT SHADOWS 04262023 -- Is Sun Disease and Unknown Cosmic Rays Causing Insanity?

runty1940 - 442 Views
Published on 27 Apr 2023 / In Film and Animation

April seems to have vanished quickly, and here in the North Country temps are below normal most of the time. Then we have China cutting off Taiwan and it seems an invasion will be coming any time now, and NATO keeps pushing at Putin as it longs for a WW3. But is it possible that Sun Disease and unknown cosmic rays are the primary cause of mankind's growing insanity and that leads to the unleashing of nuclear war? It appears that cosmic intruders are the primary cause of our global civilization's demise, and the RICH MEN have spent trillions in an effort to escape the coming wrath! Lots of news just under the surface and so it goes...

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