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NIGHT SHADOWS 04152024 -- Israel/Iran War Deepens - A Month of Sacrifice By Blood & Fire - BEWARE!

FollowsTheWay - 519 Views
Published on 15 Apr 2024 / In News and Politics

Israel & Iran War Deepens - April a Month of Sacrifice By Blood & Fire - Sun anomalies & more - HEADS UP!
NOTE: This recording is from an independent system that global deep state cannot hack & destroy. Our usual professional phone recording system appears to have been hacked-removed as it was totally removed and the file not there. This is the second time this police-type pro system has been hacked.

__________ HELPFUL LINKS:

Stewart Best's Substack:

Stewart Best's Most-Helpful Guide to True, Biblical Salvation:
---> Jesus warned us that the vast majority of Christians are not, in truth, BORN AGAIN.
---> Be sure you are saved and not just think you are.
---> For More Information:

Night Shadows Member Site (there is a free side):


Larry Taylor's Substack:

Larry's Blog:


Video Source (Stewart Best's Rumble):


Stewart Best has been teaching the true salvation gospel of Jesus Christ for over 40 years.

His classic video, “Iron Mountain — Blueprint for Tyranny,” drew national attention (including the Wall Street Journal) and deep state scrutiny.

NBC’s Dateline Show booked him for a show, but then backed off when they found out he had the actual evidence of the truth and they could not control the narrative.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) deemed him a “domestic terrorist,” men with long guns showed up at his property, and a black helicopter dropped water balloons as a warning, but the Lord delivered him from it all.

In the past, he has appeared on the Art Bell Show and also on Steve Quayle’s former radio show.

At fourscore+ years of age his force does not seem to have abated one bit, still producing prolifically with his team at the LightGate ministry.

He was a professional aviator for many years, flying the latest corporate jets as Captain, and he also served in the military.

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FollowsTheWay 11 months ago  

False Salvation — Is it Possible?

Download Stewart Best's most-helpful guide to the narrow way and true, Biblical salvation:

Some reader reviews:

“It is the best book I have ever been reading outside of the word of God itself.”

“Holy Spirit inspired and written.”

"This is the greatest book, aside from the Bible, I have and probably will ever read. It is a true Godsend. I believe it was divinely inspired by God. It brings so much clarity to the Bible and confirmed a lot of things I believed to be true."

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