Nicolene Filmalter - Introduction, Science Defined & The 'Big Bang’ - Creation By God - (Part 1)
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Lecture 1 in the series "Creation By God, Or Evolution.. From Nothing?"
This series offers a practical, refreshing and insightful look at the evolution-creation debate and will provide food for thought for even the most ardent supporter of the phylogenetic approach to origins. Nicolene has
succeeded in highlighting the issues that make this
debate even more relevant in our time in spite of the
almost superhuman efforts by the evolutionary camp to sell their concept to the world via every available media. Origin by design cannot and will not be laid to rest as the
evidence for design is so overwhelming that even hardened
atheists have to acknowledge it though they will not allow a ‘Divine foot in the door’. Interlaced with
humour, Nicolene has presented the facts from the molecular to the organismic level in a simple yet
profound manner so that young and old may
benefit. It is my hope that the readers will allow the
evidence to speak for itself and I urge them to lay aside the prejudices which modern society and the
scientific fraternity have infused into the human psyche so the facts may speak for themselves. – Prof Walter Veith
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