NFL 2021 Season Analysis, Scripted Fakery Entertainment, Shame on the ProBowl
NFL 2021 Season Analysis, Scripted Fakery Entertainment, Shame on the ProBowl
Jim Stone
How the Price of a Super Bowl Ticket Has Skyrocketed
The NFL’s tax-exempt status, stealing millions from Americans through loopholes in tax codes
NFL Hologram games in Visitor's home stadium.
The Return Of John 3.16 at NFL Games?
NFL Kneel Ban, It's Not About Patriotism, BUT Police Brutality Against Blacks, as 70% of NFL Players
NFL Kneel Ban, It's Not About Patriotism, BUT Police Brutality Against Blacks, as are 70% of NFL Players. Now do you understand what is going on here with their protest. As the NFL are losing viewers. Have you noticed that the TV cameras do not pan the empty stadium seats.
NFL is Losing it, Low Attendance, 5G Stadiums. BBB, Boycott and Bankrupt the Billionaires
NFL, the Propaganda Tool of Fascism. Ads on NFL Are Sheeple Enslavement
NFL, the Propaganda Tool of Fascism. Ads on NFL Are Sheeple Enslavement
originally published Nov, 17, 2017
Ads on NFL are enslavement traps.
NFL, Goodell, Goes 180 on Kneeling Protest Sanctions, Kaepernick, May Play Again
The Return Of John 3.16 at NFL Games?
Is the NFL as Fake as Lucha Libre?
s the NFL as Fake as WWF or Lucha Libre?
The corruption is not at the WHOLE game level on who wins or losses. It is within the game on individual plays, or sequencing plays. Particular actions or plays, like a field goal, 2 extra point play within the game. Most of the money being gambled is within the plays of a game. These are more easily in a position to be fixed.
When billions and trillions are being passed around, it is certain that corruption and influence is evident. That is human nature.
All sports are pretty much corrupt. Baseball in the World Series, FIFA, Cricket, Olympic Committees, etc .Even stickball games on the streets of Yonkers could be influenced.
There are more breaks in the game to run more commercials. Red Protest flags, faked injuries, confirming play calls, etc. Now when a coach throws out the Red flag, does he get a $50K bonus?
WTF. College Football Exploits Paris Attack. NFL/NWO Agenda.
NFL Fixed, PSYC OPS for WW 3, Patriots Win Super Bowl 2015, and destroy nations.
NFL's Marketing Extravaganza, with Highlights of a Football game.
NFL, The Controversy. What are These Billionaires Up Too. Inc. Report from Abby Martin
Google has suspended me from all their products, Vimeo before, Now Rumble too. I must of been right on,
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Hey, this is capitalism at its finest. Of course you're right, but the NFL is now on par of the WWF. Its scripted and acted, but still fun to watch.